George Scott ex "Blue Jacket" to Lyttelton New Zealand 1865<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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George Scott ex "Blue Jacket" to Lyttelton New Zealand 1865

Query by amscott

The 'Blue Jacket" from London arrived Lyttelton (Port for Christchurch) New Zealand November 1865. Included in the list of Cabin passengers were Mr. George Scott, Miss Jane Scott and Miss Lucy Scott. Can anyone provide information on any of these Scott's.

Surnames: Scott
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by amscott Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-12-06 01:39:25

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by ngairedith on 2012-12-06 02:32:53

just for interest ...

a passenger, known only as W.K. wrote this poem after landing on the 'Blue Jacket' at Lyttelton Bay, November 1865

air = "King of the Cannibal Islands"

I shall never forget the day
When we arrived at Lyttelton Bay,
A learned doctor came to say -
We must stop at the Quarantine Station.
We'd had small pox that's true enough,
But now we're well, and it must be stuff
To stop us - when out came another rebuff,
And an order for vaccination

We looked imploringly down at the boat,
But pity their obdurate hearts ne'er smote,
As they ordered us all to be kept afloat
In sight of the Quarantine Station.
To wash and fumigate - scrub the decks,
When Captain White cried out, "What next?"
And stroked his beard, and looked very vexed
At the Quarantine Regulations

What next? - why, each must burn his bed,
Then where is a fellow to lay his head? -
Why, of course, he must use the deck instead,
Say the Quarantine Regulations.
They say that's all the law allows,
When somebody cries out "Bravo, Rouse!
"I see you're a fellow with plenty of nouse,
In the Quarantine Regulations."

Why, what's the use of keeping us here,
With a station on shore so very near,
We shan't be crowded, and will breath freer
On shore at the Quarantine Station.
Then away they went a council to hold;
And though it's unpleasant, the truth must be told -
The houses are not large enough to hold
Us all at the Quarantine Station.

So whilst they are thinking and making a fuss
Two more of our passengers are taken wuss;
Which looks like a judgement on some one,
not us,
For not having a Quarantine Station;
And threat'ning curses, deep and loud,
Were uttered by our complaining crowd;
As everyone the Government row'd,
For not having a Quarantine Station.

We wanted to put our letters on shore,
When they put their heads together once more;
Said "No!" which sent us all in a roar
At the Quarantine Regulations.
At length it occurred they might go in a bottle,
So corked up they took them, but certainly not till
'Twas dipped in the water for fear that they got ill
In spite of the regulatoins.

At length they managed to hit on a plan,
By using tents, so that all could land
Except the Chief Cabin, who must, for a span,
Use the ship as a Quarantine Station;
And day after day passes slowly by,
And we can't find out, however we try,
When we shall be free with certainty
From Quarantine Regulations.

We'd sooner have landed, and shared will all,
The dangers we know that are common to all
Than stay in the ship, where the space is so small
To be used as a Quarantine Station;
And if this be our welcome, why we'd better go
To some other place, where the Government know
How to manage, whenever disease should show,
In their Quarantine Regulations.

on the passenger list of the Blue Jacket there was a WILHELM KLEE aged 29 from Germany with his wife Margaret and 3 year old daughter Hannah.
I'm putting my money on him as the writer :)

by the way, that list does not include the Cabin Passenger list so did not find your George or girls. Do you have the list to show us?

by ngairedith on 2012-12-06 02:40:55

found him !!

there was an attempted mutiny on board that trip and your George was a witness to the Assault on the High Seas in the Lyttelton Magistrate's Court, 6 Dec 1865

by ngairedith on 2012-12-06 02:52:20

for anyone else interested in this 'Blue Jacket' trip ...

Mr and Mrs BRAY
Mr Charles FLOCTON
Eugenia M. GREEN
Rev. and Mrs C. HARRIS
Master Henry George O'LOUGHLIN
Mr William READ
Mr S. J. REED, Miss Harriett Reed, Master Charles Reed
Mr George SCOTT, Miss Lucy Scott, Miss Jane Scott
Colonel and Mrs WARE, child & nurse

by amscott on 2012-12-06 15:19:00

Thank you for your reply. I am still trying to trace the origin of the George Scott who married Elizabeth Vickers and came to Christchurch about 1865. See I have only recently come across the list of saloon passengers with a George Scott and Lucy and Jane Scott. Previously I had only seen a list of Government assisted passengers. There were several George Scott's in Christchurch and the closer Canterbury area in the 1860's - 70's and the "Blue Jacket" George is another possibility. No evidence as yet of a definite link.

by ngairedith on 2012-12-06 16:29:46

at the 'Assault on the High Seas' link above there is a Mr Scott, third officer of the 'Blue Jacket' but, like you said, there as SO many George Scott in Christchurch at the same time one cannot pinpoint which one is which without further info

a link to your tree The Scott Families Tree

why can I not find him buried at Christchurch ? Elizabeth is buried PLOT 156, BLOCK 37 at Bromley cemetery

by ngairedith on 2012-12-06 16:39:23

there is this on CuriousFox
... I live in New Zealand. I am researching my great grand parents George Scott/Elizabeth Vickers. I have obtained a marriage certificate for a marriage of a George Scott and Elizabeth Ann Vickers 19th May 1862 at the Parish Church in the Parish of Raithby ??? Hallington. Witnesses Joseph Vickers and Sarah Scott. Parents, John Scott and John Vickers. My great grand parents came to Christchurch, New Zealand 1865/6 and unfortunately information on their death certicates does not help to tie them in with the Raithby marriage. Can anyone tell me what happened to the George Scott and Elizabeth Ann Vickers as per the Raithby marriage. I have not been able to trace them past this marriage in England. If there are any records of them or their children in England after 1866 I can at least eliminate them from my possibilities. Thanks for any assistance

by amscott on 2012-12-06 20:38:17

The George Scott who married (or was partner) of Elizabeth Vickers was buried at Barbadoes St Cemetery (Christchurch Cemetery, at time of death). Unfortuantely the Christchurch City Council records for this Cemetery are not complete and his name is not listed. The grave is long gone. Many years ago the plot number was sighted by a relative but for me to try and obtain this now, from the Christchurch City Council, after all the earthquake chaos, is something I am not going to attempt at present. Maybe later.

At the time of George's death the following appeared in the Christchuch Newspaper. 26th July 1877) -.


"The friends of the late Mr. GEORGE SCOTT are informed that his FUNERAL will leave his late residence, Madras St; next to Barrett's Hotel, THIS day, July 26 at half-past three o'clock.




Members of the above Court are invited to attend the FUNERAL of the late Bro. G SCOTT, which leaves his late residence, Madras Street south at 3.30pm, THIS DAY (Thursday).

By order, W. NESS C.R.


Regarding CURIOUS FOX, I have discovered that the George Scott and Elizabeth Vickers who married in Hallington, both died in England. Therfore not the couple I am researching.

by amscott on 2016-03-29 23:19:27

Just read back through the old postings. A lot of research has been done and I have now established that the George Scott who emigrated to NZ and raised a Scott family in Christchurch with his partner Elizabeth Vickers was a steward on the Blue Jacket but under his birth name George COTT. A name change to Scott after arriving in Christchurch. Elizabeth was on the boat as Elizabeth Cott. It is all in my tree in Tribalpages. Copy and paste the following link and scan down the home page to George COTT alias SCOTT.

At the end of George's home page section you can click on a link that takes you to his personal page and notes. An interesting story and satisfying that I now know his background which involved two earlier marriages, one of which was illegal.

by ngairedith on 2016-03-30 07:37:05

great work Amscott, I linked your site once before (in 2012 above) but for some reason it is now a broken link. Perhaps you changed it
Anyway here it is again for everyone
The Scott Families Tree

or go straight to George Cott's page:
George COTT alias SCOTT

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