JOHN GOODMAN FROM ENGLAND<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Journal by pup8970

I need info on John Goodman who was born 1557 in Southhill, Bedfordshire, England and died in 1620 same place as birth. I need the names of his parents when and where they were born/died. Here is what i have so far.

John Goodman
B: 1557
D: 1620

First Marriage:
Katherine Jefferies
B: 1561
D: 1670
Children: 1
Willliam Goodman
B: 1586
D: 1670

Second Marriage:
Mrs. John Goodman
B: 1561
D: 1631
Children: 3
Judith Goodman
B: 1583
William goodman
B: 1586
D: 1670
Thomas Goodman
B: 1589

Were Kkartherine and William together when they died and how did they die?

Did John and katherine get a divorce?

Or, could Katherine and Mrs. John Goodman be one ; and the same?

I was also was looking at the Mayflower website to see if any of my family were on it and came across the name of John Goodman. The Mayflower John Goodman supposedly died at Plymouth when the sickness hit. That was according to the papers of a man from that time. The website stated that his name was mentioned in a later census, 1627 I think. Then they say he was not mentioned in one later than that so he must have died. What if he did not die but chose to go back to England and is it fairly possible that this John Goodman that I post about could be the Mayflower John Goodman? Just because a name does not appear in a census does not mean the person is dead. They could have just moved. A thought just struck me, what if someone else used his name to gain access for the Mayflower. That same person could have hurt him to get whatever credentials he had that stated he was John Goodman and he could have died from those injuries. Back then I am not so sure they had photo IDs. If there are any that are from the Mayflower Society that reads this, please let me know what you think of this. Could it be plausible?

Surnames: GOODMAN
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by pup8970 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2009-12-18 21:06:53

pup8970 , from Tennessee, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2009. is researching the following names: NANCE, STEARNS, PENROD and 37 other(s).

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by allycat on 2009-12-21 16:39:42

Register as new user of RootsChat find their England boards and post some lookup requests asking for Parish record lookups etc. to help you fill in some blanks etc.

Think about having your family tree online if you haven't already done so. I recommend Geni you can upload your GEDCOM file if you are experienced, or it will ask you to begin your tree. Once you have entered a bit of data, you can start entering in your living relatives from all over the world and invite them to the one tree via their email addresses and you can all collaboratively work on the same project.

Best wishes (and have fun!)

by pup8970 on 2009-12-22 02:52:21

Thank you, alleycat and I have a tree on I do not know if anyone can view it, because I have it set to private and I did not subscribe to anything. I found a banner on another site that stated start your free tree and you have to put in your name and parents and click go (whatever it is that takes you to ancestry from the banner).

i am not familiar with rootschat or geni; nor do I know anything about what a gedcom file is. I only started a couple of weeks ago (@ least not more than a month).

I do not know how to connect with relatives. On ancestry I cannot view certain things because I am not a paid member. I think I found a cousin on a genforum and tried to send them an email, but I received a notice that I failed to go through. I tried with another one and the same thing. I tried to get on genforum later on and it would not load up. Have you ever used genforum and would you know why it would not load up? A lot of people that were being asked about on the forum I found out later are in my tree and I would really like to get back on there and get some more info.

Thank you again for answering.

by GoodmanTree on 2010-12-01 12:38:07

I had typed you a whole listing of John Goodman's parents and his marriage to Katherine but somehow the website blipped and it was all gone. I don't have time to type all right now but here are the basics to your questions:
John's parents are Thomas Goodman and Joan?
John Lived and died in England
Katherine died at the age of 29 (1561- Jan 21, 1590). She gave birth to a son named
William Goodman who Married Mary Archer
They had a son Benjamin Goodman (1639-1735) Benjamin came to the US 1634 at the age of 35 to Maryland, Married Johanna Webster of VA 1679 and died in Hanover VA on May 5, 1735

My sister Cheryl Goodman has all this info on her page (cherlygoodman52, The Goodman Family Tree.) I will write more if I get a response.

Cris Goodman Loveless

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