Prisoners Of War, Matiu/Somes Island NZ, deported May 1919<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Prisoners Of War, Matiu/Somes Island NZ, deported May 1919

Journal by ngairedith

MATIU/SOMES Island, 24.9ha (62 acres), lies off Wellington, NZ, 3km south of Petone and the mouth of the Hutt River. It was first used as a quarantine facility with the arrival of the 'England' in 1872, which was carrying several passengers with smallpox, the passengers and crew being quartered in makeshift accommodation. Other times, new arrivals would spend 10 minutes in a smokehouse of chlorine, potassium nitrate and sulphur fumes for de-lousing. At various times throughout the 20th century it hosted enemy alien internees during wartime and quarantine facilities for both human immigrants and (up to 1995) animals.
photo The prison layout on Matiu/Somes Island

* During WWI (1914-1918) the human quarantine barracks on Matiu/Somes Island, were used to hold enemy aliens who were considered a risk to New Zealand’s security. Some of those held were born in NZ and had families, businesses and established lives here.

* In WWII (1939-45) the island once again became an internment camp. While the prisoners were primarily German, there were a large number of Italian and Japanese nationals. They were moved to Pahiatua at the start of 1943 during the short period when the anti-aircraft artillery battery was operational but returned to the island in Sep 1944 when the guns were removed.

The internees were required to do road-building, gardening and fishing. For this they were paid a small daily allowance. They also had the opportunity to earn additional money by making small items such as wooden toys and paua jewellery. Some internees tried to escape the island by swimming or stealing a boat but there are no successful escape tales from Matiu/Somes.

NOTE re photos I have provided a link on all photos which will take you to a zoom option for greater detailed viewing.
IMPORTANT read the footnote at end.

Those from AUCKLAND
A party of 168 prisoners of war from Motuihe Island in the Hauraki Gulf, were despatched from Auckland to Wellington by special train to join the Willochra en route to Germany. The party comprised 71 German men, mostly members of the former colonial administration in Samoa, three women, 13 children and 80 Jugo-Slavs, who desire to be repatriated and one Austrian. The party included Dr Eric Schultz, ex-Governor of Samoa and Count Von Luckner and Lieut Kitcheiss. No crowds gathered to witness the march through Devonport, but small boys took evident relish in counting out the prisoners as they passed.

The Troopship Willochra carried over 400 internees away from NZ on 14 May 1919, bound for their homelands, via a stop at Sydney. Theoretically they were being 'repatriated' but the reality was, they were being deported. The wives and children of some internees also travelled aboard the ship.

Sun, 14 May 1919 The Willochra is due to leave Wellington to-day with about 400 enemy aliens, chiefly Germans, whose repatriation has been ordered. The draft includes some 240 men from the camp at Featherston and a smaller group from Narrow Neck camp, Auckland. An armed guard will accompany the prisoners on board the Willochra. The prisoners of war, including German officials from Samoa and the German naval men, headed by Count Von Luckner, are being repatriated compulsorily. The conditions of the Armistice place them entirely at the disposal of the New Zealand Government, as representing the Imperial Government. Interned German civilians are in a different position. They cannot be repatriated compulsorily until their fate has been settled under the Peace Treaty. These internees have all been offered free passages to their Fatherland at the expense of the New Zealand Government and those who have accepted are to be members of the Willochra's draft. The interned Germans who did not consent to repatriation are being retained in custody in New Zealand for the present. The disposal of the remaining interned Germans has received some consideration already. These men, almost without exception, are enemy aliens by sympathy, as well as nationality. They were interned not merely on the grounds of nationality, but because they had given indications of being actively hostile in their attitude towards the British Empire. It is no secret that the New Zealand Government does not wish to retain these elements in the Dominion and if the terms of the Peace Treaty permit, another batch of deportees may leave New Zealand in about four months time, but a military guard is not likely to be required on that occasion. The signing of the Peace Treaty will not involve the release of the interned German civilians remaining in New Zealand. These men will be retained in military custody pending their final disposal. Some of them want to return to Samoa, where they have business interests.
photo Troopship ss Willochra in Wellington, WWI

Most of the prisoners and later passengers, were German, however, the ship also carried internees from Austria-Hungary (including Dalmatians), Bulgaria and Turkey. These non-Germans disembarked at Sydney and were taken to the Holsworthy Internment Camp where they spent 4 months before they embarked for their homelands aboard the 'Frankfurt'. There were two who did not travel on the Frankfurt, one had been ill and sailed a month later on the Valencia. The other had died during an influenza epidemic that struck the camp while they were stranded there. They were replaced on the ship by some of Australia's German internees and left Sydney 27 May with 928 on board, bound for Plymouth and Rotterdam.

photo The daily routine, morning roll call

Following is a list of prisoners (added to as found) held on Somes during World War I. Not all the prisoners were Germans, some were Dalmatian, Austrian, Hungarian, Turks, Bulgarians, Swiss or French, but all labeled as 'Enemy Aliens'. Not all of these were deported on the Willochra. They are added here to build the story of life on Somes during WWI and to help tell and preserve their story.
List of prisoners on the 1917 Alien Register

spelling may not be correct but is written as it was found
.. A ..
* Fritz 'Frederick' Allmeritter
* Fred Anderson (1873-)
* Frederick Anderson (1885-)
* Wilhelm P. Appelt
* Albert Fritz Arndt
* Karl Arndt
* Paul Arnold

photo German prisoners in uniforms 1916

.. B ..
* Phillip A. Baer
* Maximillian'Max' Ballin
* Arnold P. Balthaser
* Karl R. Bast
* Adolf Gustav Bein
* Christoph Bellman
* Max Edward Benzel
* Antonio Bercic
* Linus Berger
* Theodor Bermann (Beermann)
* Edward/Edwin Balke
.. 25 March 1915, Two young Germans - Edwin Balke and Paul Woolf, who were interned at Somes Island, escaped this morning by swimming over one mile and a-half to Petone, where they surrendered to the police. They stated that the object of their escape was to draw attention to the treatment of the Germans on the island. They had been employed at road work, which they declared was fit for convicts, and not for prisoners of war. They appeared little the worse for their swim, though a bleak southerly wind was blowing. One of the men lost his bundle of clothes, which he had strapped to his back, and used some of his companion's clothes on landing.
* Phelix/Felix Biller
* Julius August Blank
* Gustav 'John' Blinn
* Fred Martin Bock
* Rudolf/Rudolph Bollenbacher
* Adolph Max A. Bornhold
* Karl Borck
* Jacob Boro
* George Borschel
* Otto Bougard
* Christian H. Wilheim Boyens
* Gustav Brayanner (Brenner)
* Theodor Bunz
* Frank Bunzel

photo German reservists scanning the papers for news of their countrymen on Somes, 10 Sep 1914

.. C ..
* Frank Cames/Cannes
* Ludwig Christemann/Christmann
* Ivan Cirtanovic
* Arnold Clausen
* Arthur A. Crell

photo some of the German internees in 1914 with the quarantine & lighthouse keeper Samuel Hart (1863-1938), left front. Rudolph Mersy 4th from right.

The Lighthouse on Somes 1915

.. D ..
* Reanbard 'Karl' Dalchov
* Fritz 'Frederick' Derkmann
* Olfred 'Alfred' Dethloff
* Marian Anton Devcich
* Louis Deynzer
* George J. Dibborn
* Edward/Edmund Diehl
* Arthur Diering
* Ernst Diester
* Richard 'Paul' Dietrich
.. Free Lance, 15 Aug 1914. Among the German residents who were arrested this week in Wellington and taken away to Somes Island, as prisoners of war was Mr Paul Dietrich, who some time ago started in business on Lambton-quay as a ladies' tailor. One could not but feel strong sympathy for the slight blonde, rather fragile little man who had done no one any harm and has had a hard struggle to establish himself in business. He has fought bravely against adverse circumstances and just as his skill as a tailor was coming to be recognised, war breaks out and down comes the hand of the Law, grips him by the arm and hales him away to Somes Island, all because Kaiser Bill can only see red and Paul Dietrich has had the misfortune to be born in Germany.
* Ernest Dorn
* Frantz L. Dorsch
* Jure Dragicevich
* Magnus L. Dubois
* Heinrich Duerkop
* Henrick Wilhelm Magnus Duerkop
.. Evening Post, 23 Dec 1914. Henrick Wilhelm Magnus Duerop, a German prisoner of war at present interned on Somes Island, appeared at the Magistrate's Court to-day to answer five charges of having attempted to trade with the enemy's subjects. Four of these were laid under the Regulation of Trade Act, 1914 and the fifth under the Trading with the Enemy Act, 1914. The first charge read as follows:- "On or about 17th September, 1914 at Auckland, at a time when His Majesty was at war with a foreign State, to wit, the Empire of Germany, did attempt to supply Gustav J. J. WITT, a person carrying on business in such foreign State, to wit., Hamburg, with certain goods, to wit, 17 casks of casings." The remaining charges were alleged offences of a similar character on 6th Oct, 28th Oct (two) and 3rd Nov .. Mr Duerkop is a partner in the firm of Duerkop and Mackay, merchants, carrying on business at Auckland

photo German internees in the military uniforms they made themselves.

.. E ..
* Adolph F. Eberhardt
* Carl Nicolaus Eckhardt
.. one of a number of Naturalised Germans and had later had them revoked in June 1918 as an 'enemy alien'. Carl was naturalised in March 1914
* Michael Eder
* Otto Eder
* Albrecht Von Egidy
.. Albrecht was a plantation owner in Samoa. He was a German escapee in 1917, see Kircheiss
* Ambrose Ehrat
* Lothar Richard Eildender
* Bernard Ellis
* Hermann Erdmann
.. Hermann was an able seaman on the German raider Seeadler and was a German escapee in 1917, see Kircheiss
* Fredernad Karl 'Charlie' Evart

photo procession of men with the German flag

.. F ..
* H. von Fatosski
* Gottlieb Feierabend
* Matthew Arthur Ferris
* Heinrich Fischer (Arthur Fisher)
* Joseph Fitz
* Otto H. Freund
* Gustav Friedlander
* Eberhard Focke/Foeke
.. 19 May 1916, yesterday morning Eberhard Focke, the former German Consul in Wellington, was re-interned on Somes Island, where he spent some time in captivity earlier in the war. The news of his arrest spread very rapidly and there was an interested little assemblage on the wharf to witness his departure for the island. The launch conveying the prisoner and his guard of three soldiers left about 10 o'clock. The Government has vouchsafed no explanation for the re-internment of the ex-Consul. He was interned on Somes Island for a period soon after the war began and was subsequently released on the bond of two well-known citizens. It has not yet transpired what has happened, or whether anything at all has happened since then to bring about his re-internment.
* Hermann Foss
* Antonio Franckenberg
* Georg Frank
* Wilhelm Franheim
* Johann Fraub
* Rudolph/Rudolf Frey
* Karl Fritz
* John Fuchs/Fuihs

photo prisoners with a model boat they made, about to go swimming 1916

.. G ..
* Johann Gaisebock
* Enrich Garchov/Garchow
* Ernest Gathemann
* Gustav Gayer/Gayen
* Paul Gebauer/Gebaner
* Adolph Friedich Geipel
* Geo Gier
* Heinrich Goedecke
* Kurt K. R. May von Goessel
* Gustav Gonnenberg
* Hermann Albert Gonning
* Karl Max Gotteschalk
* Godfrey Grens
* Albert Otto Graw
* George Grossman
* Yens 'Gene Henry' Groth
* Karl Gruen

photo German crew from the Seeadler, 19 Feb 1918, includes Heinrich Permien, Karl Gruen, Hermann Erdmann, H. von Fatosski, Hans Paulsen, Ernest W. Klohn & Friedrich Mellert

.. H ..
* Charles 'Carl/Karl' Hadler
.. Dominion, 10 Aug 1918. The disappearance of four prisoners from the internment camp at Somes Island was reported yesterday morning. The men were at their quarters at 2 a.m., when the officer-in-charge went the rounds personally. They were missed by the guard shortly after 6 a.m. and warnings were sent to the civil and military police ashore, but up to a late hour last night nothing had been heard of the men. The official description of the four missing prisoners is as follows:
Charles Hadler: about 33 years, height 5ft 3in., weight 1371b, fair complexion, fair hair, blue eyes, tattooed both arms and chest, design not known, scar right ear and eye, speaks good English. Arrested in Wellington and interned August 12, 1914. Born in Wismar, Mecklenburg, Schwerin, Germany and arrested on arrival in New Zealand in the Star of India, on which he was serving as a fireman. (see Otteng, Wolf & Rabenstein below). They were all found 3 days later, still on Somes Island, inside the barbed wire enclosure, hiding under floor boards.

* Pome Haffer
* Henry Hannappel
* Theodor F. P. Hanson
* Karl Hansen
.. Herr Hansen was a Hong Kong merchant, see Dr Schulzt below
* Robert Hall
.. Robert was born in Germany in 1879, his name was obviously anglicised. He was an opals buyer from San Francisco and had been in NZ from about 1915
* Heinrich Hannappel
* Hans Hansen
* Karl Jacob Hanson
* Henry E. Harges
* Paul Hartwig
* Henry Haryees
* Emil A. W. Hebenstreit
* Edward Hecht
* Max Albert Heidel
* Paul Heinriche (Henricks)
* Gottfried Heinsen
* Julius Heintz
* Walter Hener
* Carl Hennig
* Bernard Heyen
* Willi Hinkelmann
* Arnold Emil Hinz
* Charles Clark Hofmer
* Joseph Hoher
* August Husler

photo Dalmatian internees

.. I ..
* Arthur Iblehauser
* Walther 'Walter' Iseke
.. in May 1915 Walter was employed at a flaxmill at Te Teko. He caused so much trouble he was sacked, thereupon he threatened to destroy the mill. He was arrested as a prisoner of war and sent to Auckland

photo Three German prisoners 1917

.. J ..
* Wilhelm Jaeger
* Ernest M. Jensen
* George Johannsen
* Charlie Johnson (Peterson)

photo two prisoners feeding the sheep, 20 April 1916

.. K ..
* Perl Kabierski
* Fred. Karl Kambler
* Leonhard Keller
* Theo Kellor
* Conrad (K.) Kerdorf
* Erwin Kertscher
* William Kessler
* Albert Kestenholz
* Carl T. F. Kircheiss
.. In Dec 1917, Second-Lieutenant Carl T. F. Kircheiss, navigating lieutenant and second in command of the Seeadler, was 1 of 4 Germans who effected a clever escape from Motuihe Island, Hauraki Gulf. The others were: Lieutenant-Commander Count Felix von Luckner, commander of the German raider Seeadler, Albrecht von Egidy, formerly a plantation owner of Samoa and Hermann Erdmann, able seaman on the Seeadler. When caught they were confined at Ripa Island and a stockade was erected, with an armed guard of sufficient strength to enable the prisoners to be guarded night and day. In Dec 1927 Carl and 3 crewmen, arrived at Cowes after a two years world tour of 34,000 on his German auxiliary yacht Hamburg. They were on their home to Berlin for Christmas.
photo German raider SMS Seeadler

* Ernest B. Kirchartz
.. in July 1912 Ernest Krchatz (a German) and Charles Reynolds (a Canadian) were charged with breaking and entering the Clarendon Hotel, Auckland
* Hermann Kirmis
.. In May 1915 Herman was in Samoa when he inserted a warning in the local paper to the effect of a lawsuit for insult .. either directly or indirectly, publicly throwing dirt on my good name, that I will take legal action against everyone as soon as I hear about it
* Gustav Klaiber
* George Klemmer (Clements)
* Christopher Klibingat
* Otto Klock
* Ernest W. Klohn
* Joseph Kloron
* Paul W. Klose
* Wilhelm Knab (Stevenson)
.. 1 of 4 men who attempted an escape on a raft in July 1918, one of them dying - see Kosel
* Martin Koch
* Hans Koerner
* Gustav Kohler
* Karl August Hugo Kosel
.. Died while escaping, 1 Aug 1918. An inquest on the body of Karl August Hugo Kosel, whose death occurred during an attempt to escape from Somes Island, was held by Mr Riddell,S.M. Kosel was interned in May 1916 and was believed to have been a fireman. The other escapees were William Knab, a painter in Christchurch, interned in August, 1914; Karl W. Mertin and Alfred Kraut, sailors. The former was removed from Te Awamutu in March, 1916 and the latter from Dunedin in Dec 1914. William Knab gave evidence that they left Somes Island at 10 p.m. on a raft made of three boxes and five oil drums. The night was fairly fine, but there was a slight southerly breeze. There were three tins of stores on the raft, which was propelled by two paddles and two spades. When they had gone about a thousand yards the raft began to sink. The leader (Mertin) said keep on and they made for a point between Petone and Ngahauranga. Deceased did not complain of exhaustion, but was determined to carry it through. Deceased was a bit thin and had lost about 401b in weight. Kraut left off paddling about 30 yards from the shore and Kosel was just paddling, but was so exhausted that he put no weight into it. He was pretty short of breath on reaching the shore. Kraut had to be dragged from the raft. Kosel managed to get out, but was staggering. Kraut was lying across the railway line and witness managed to remove him. He then went to Kosel, who said: "I am going to the first house I can get to and no further." Witness intended looking for a house and seeking assistance. About 2 a.m. witness saw two motor cars in the distance, and hailed one and asked the driver to take them to town to stay at some place for the night. He took them in the car and they were met by a police sergeant, who told the driver to take them to the police station. On arrival at the police station witness stated that they had escaped and had left Kosel on the beach. Dr Henry gave evidence that death was the result of shock, exposure and exhaustion. Sergeant-Major Moston produced deceased's file, which showed that he was a laborer, 29 years of age. On February 6 last the commandant at Somes Island had reported that Kosel was suffering from asthma and was receiving the necessary attention. The evidence of the police showed that Constable Jessup went and brought the deceased to the police station and that deceased died about 4 a.m. A verdict was returned that death was due to exhaustion, brought about while trying to escape on a raft from Somes Island.
* Walter Krausch
* Ernest Krause
* Heinrich H. Krause
* Alfred Kraut
.. 1 of 4 men who attempted an escape on a raft in July 1918, one of them dying - see Kosel
* Harold Kreimedahl
* Johannes F. Kroger
* Hans Kurzel (with wife and child, from Temuka)
* Kuskie
.. 5 May 1915, Last evening, about 8 o'clock, two of the German prisoners interned on Somes Island commandeered a row boat and made good their escape. It was dark and it was not noticed in what direction they made off. This morning, however, the empty boat was found on the shore of the harbour between Rona Bay and Day's Bay .. The names of those who escaped are Rediger and Kuskie. Rediger is a tall, well-built man who, before being interned, posed as a Norwegian. Kuskie is short and thin; with curly hair and previously passed himself off as H. J. Mortimer. Both men were wearing working clothes when they escaped. 6 May 1915, The two Germans who escaped on Tuesday night from Somes Island were recaptured yesterday afternoon at Orongorongo by a party of military police

photo German prisoners dressed in soldiers uniforms, carrying carved wooden rifles on 27 Jan 1917, celebrating the 58th birthday of their (last) German Kaiser, German Emperor, Wilhelm II. Keiser Bill (1859-1941), King of Prussia. The sign on the ground reads: Jung Deutsehiand Kaisers Geburtstg (young german emperor's birth) 1917 Somes Island NZ

.. L ..
* Reinhold Lammerhirt
* Henry Lanstermann
* William Landon
* Robert Lane (Laue)
* Walther A. H. F. Lausen
* Charles Lehmann
* Cornelius Lemeke
* Ernest A. Leonhardt
* August Libonau
* Wilhelm Losche
* Albert Lossau
* Ernest T. F. Ludemann
* Gustav Ludwig
* Christian O. Lund

photo German work party

.. M ..
* Max Mars
.. Herr Mars was secretary to Sr Eric Schulzt, see below
* Paul Martans
* Martin Maass
* Charles Medewald
* Charles L. Meineking
* Friedrich Mellert
* Rudolf Mersy
.. Rudolf Mersy, known as the "Aschbacher Mozart", was a Bavarian musician who spent 5 years on Matiu/Somes Island. He and his fellow musicians were among the 400+ prisoners of war and their families who were forcibly repatriated from NZ to war-torn Europe on the Willochra. On board, the band frequently entertained their fellow prisoners and also played nightly for the officers' mess.
photo the small man in the centre is Rudolf Mersy with his Bavarian Band (good story at link)

photo Rudolf Mersy
conducting his Bavarian band on Somes for 5 years. The band also entertained everyone on the journey home read his story

* Karl W. Merten
.. 1 of 4 men who attempted an escape on a raft in July 1918, one of them dying - see Kosel
* Christian Merz
* Walter Meyer
* Hans Meyor
* Walter Michael
* Carl Missat
* Hugo Mitlacher
.. In 1914 Carl was in Waipukurau. In Aug 1922 an interesting letter was received by Mr A. Knight of Waiuku, from Hugo Mitlacher, who used to work in Waiuku as an assistant butcher. He expressed a longing to be back in NZ, "the conditions of life in Germany are rotten. I am not able to get married, it takes me all my time to keep myself. I left NZ at my own free will, which I regret.
* Otto Montwell
* Emil Monzheimer
* Walter Moormeister
* Gustav Motkus
* Max Mouldenhauer
* Albin M. Muller
* Max R. O. Muller
* Bernard Myer
.. for a minor offence he was forced to sleep for 26 nights on a draughty, concrete floor that led to his contracting rheumatism. When he complained to Major Matheson he was placed on a bread & water diet for failing to refer to the commandant as 'Sir'

.. N ..
* Adolph Nawarth
* Max Nestmann
* Oskar Neumann
* August Never
* Conrad Nickel

photo working on the roads 1917

.. O ..
* Phillip Ober
* August Oemcke
* Phillip Oelslatter
* Ludwig Oemcke
* Rudolf Oemcke
* Charles Ohlsen (Kaesbdig)
.. Wairarapa Daily Times, 1 June 1918. A German named Charles Olse was arrested at Waikanae on Monday, it being alleged that he had made disloyal remarks and failed to report it as required by the Act. He is now interned on Somes Island.
* Harry C. A. (K.) Ohlsen
* Peter Ohlsen
* Otto Olms
* Heinrich F. W. C. Osbahr
* Otto Ohchmann
* Wilhelm Otteng (aka Brauner)
.. during his attempted escape in Aug 1918 (see Carl Hadler) he was described as about 29 years, height 5ft 81/2in., weight 1641b., ruddy complexion, brown hair, blue eyes, tattoo design (not describable) on right forearm, speaks good English. Arrested in Wellington August 12, 1914 and interned same day. Born in Koono, Russlaud, Russia. Cook by trade and was employed at Te Aro Restaurant, Wellington. In New Zealand about a year before internment.

Bulgarian prisoners 1916

.. P ..
* William Pahlicke
* Albert Pansen
* Hans Paulsen
* Hermann Paulsen
* Heinrich Permien
* Heinrich 'Henry' Petersen
.. NZ Times, 23 Feb 1915. An inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death on Somes Island, last Saturday, of William Landgraf, a prisoner of war, was held yesterday afternoon. Dr Elliot, medical officer of Somes Island, stated that on making a postmortem examination, he found no marks of violence on the body, which was well-nourished. The valves of the heart showed signs of degeneration and in his opinion the condition of the heart was sufficient to have accounted for death. Henry Petersen, a seaman and a prisoner of war on Somes Island, said that on Saturday morning he and the deceased were engaged in carrying buckets of water from the wharf to the top of the hill. This duty occupied about fifteen minutes and when it was finished, Landgraf, who appeared to be in the best of health and spirits, went to his room. Anders Johnson, a sawmiller, also a prisoner of war, stated that when the deceased, who occupied the same room as himself, came in, witness remarked that he was perspiring. Deceased said he felt all right, but on going over to his bed he fell down in a faint. Witness called the commandant, who had the deceased moved into the fresh air and attended to but Landgraf expired almost immediately. After hearing evidence of a formal nature, the coroner returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence, that death was due to heart disease.
* Nann Petersen
* Franz Pfeil
* Max Pheiffer
* Eric Possehl
* Johann Pregler
* Frederich Pusch

photo working on the land 1917

.. R ..
* Kurt Rabenstein
.. during his attempted escape in Aug 1918 (see Carl Hadler) he was described as 21 years, height 5ft 4in., weight 140lb., sallow complexion, brown hair, grey eyes. Arrested at Woodside, Otago, February 3, 1915, and interned two days later. Says he was a shepherd, but believed to be a seaman. Born in Hanover and only in New Zealand one month prior to being interned.
Each man was dressed normally in blue or brown denims, with heavy military boots

* Richard Rast
* Wilhelm Rauer
* Friedrich Rediger
.. 5 May 1915, Last evening, about 8 o'clock, two of the German prisoners interned on Somes Island commandeered a row boat and made good their escape. It was dark and it was not noticed in what direction they made off. This morning, however, the empty boat was found on the shore of the harbour between Rona Bay and Day's Bay .. The names of those who escaped are Rediger and Kuskie. Rediger is a tall, well-built man who, before being interned, posed as a Norwegian. Kuskie is short and thin; with curly hair and previously passed himself off as H. J. Mortimer. Both men were wearing working clothes when they escaped. 6 May 1915, The two Germans who escaped on Tuesday night from Somes Island were recaptured yesterday afternoon at Orongorongo by a party of military police
* William Reichwain
* Aasker Reiher
* Carl Reints
* Karl Reismann
* Johan Retkouski
* Charlie Reuter
* Fritz 'Frank' Rodtnick
.. Fritz was a Wellington seaman. It is recorded that he was taken to "Kultur Bay" where he was handcuffed and assaulted by six guards while Major Matheson, looked on from a distance. "Kultur Bay" was an area situated at the north end of the island, a site of abuse and punishment, a 'cure for insubordination and misbehaviour'
* Hans Romnau
* Max Rose
* Otto Ruckechus
* Karl Rudolph

photo Taken on Somes in 1916 of German soldiers captured by the French in Tahiti

.. S ..
* Gustav Sass
* Fritz Schmalkuche
* Gustav Schmidt
* Karl Schmidt
* Walter Schmidt
* Edward Scheider (Schnaeder)
* Walter Scheider
* Wilhelm Schott
* Dr Guido Schubert
.. Dr Schubert was a Magistrate/Imperial Judge in Samoa. He was classed as a 'distinguished German' prisoner of war
* Heinrich Schultz
.. 19 Sep 1914. The four prisoners of war brought from Fiji by the steamer Navua, were conducted to their quarters on Motuihi Island on Thursday. The party comprised the late Governor of Samoa, Dr Eric Schultz, his secretary, Herr Mars, the wireless expert at Samoa, Herr Hirsch and a Hongkong merchant, Herr Hansen [Hanseen?]. A fairly large crowd was present at the wharf to secure a glimpse of the prisoners, but if the people expected anything spectacular they must have been disappointed. The proceedings were quiet and lacking in display.
* Sigismund Schultz
* Frederick Schumacher
* Otto Schwachenberg
* Frederich Schwartz
* Fred 'Emil' Schwonke
.. Emil was on the West Coast in 1909
* Jacob Scoch
* Adolph Seegner
* Dr George Sessons
* Jen James Slijm (Ottavine)
* Gustav 'Gus' Sonnenberg
* Karl Rudolph Spatz
* Kurt Sperling
* Otto Spiringer (Hall)
* Hugo Steinbrugger
* Paul R. Stower
* Fredrich Stunzer (with wife & children)
* Gustave Nicholas Metor Suhr
.. NZ Times, 29 June 1918. A New Plymouth resident, Gustave Nicholas Metor Suhr has been interned. Suhr was recently before the magistrate at New Plymouth, charged with drunkenness and using obscene language. It was also stated that he had threatened to kill his wife and that his general conduct and demeanour were anything but gentlemanly. So much so, that the residents of Hine street presented to Sub-Inspector Hutton a petition bearing sixty names, requesting that Suhr should be interned. The petition was forwarded to the authorities, with the result that instructions for the German's arrest and transfer to Somes Island were sent.
* Reinhardt Suhren
.. Reinhardt was a plantation owner in Samoa. In Dec 1915 he was charged with assaulting Coolie No.3765 by striking him with a walking stick. Reinhardt's plantation was in partnership under the name Suhren & Meyer. The property was sold in July 1924 on account of the mortgage debts, under the Absentee Property Order of 1923

photo Prisoner of War Camp on Somes showing the tents and buildings. The tall buildings were for the internees and the lower buildings were for the guards

.. T ..
* Erick Richard Robert Tamnie
.. Evening Post, 23 May 1918. A German named Erick Richard Robert Tamnie, interned on Somes Island, was brought before Mr W. G. Riddel], S.M., at the Magistrate's Courts yesterday to answer a charge of the theft of an overcoat valued at £4 15s from Herbert Schumacher. Detective-Sergeant Cox, in outlining the facts of the case, said that in May 1913, the complainant and the accused were in the employ of the Post and Telegraph Department and were working in the same gang at Waimate. Between the 17th and 22nd May, Tamnie told the complainant that he was going to Christchurch for a few days and asked for the loan of an overcoat, saying that he would return it in a few days. Accused did not return and that was the last seen of the coat. Enquiries were made and it was found that the accused had left New Zealand. He returned to the Dominion soon after the outbreak of war and was then interned. In 1915 the complainant also left the country with a 1915 reinforcement after a warrant had been issued for Tamnies's apprehension. On 2nd May last, Detective Carney interviewed the accused, who admitted borrowing the coat, but said he fully intended returning it, but had now forgotten what he had done with it. He had also offered to make good the loss of the coat, but had been advised by the military authorities on the island to let it stand over. The Magistrate considered that the case would be met by the payment of £4 15s to the police, who will forward it to the proper quarter.
* Otto Thiel
.. Evening Post, 5 Jan 1915. Somewhat of a sensation was caused in a Masterton hairdressing saloon yesterday morning (says to-day's Wairarapa Age), when Sergt. Miller entered and arrested an employee, who had a razor in his hand and was in the act of shaving a customer. The man's name was Otto Thiel and he came here from Australia shortly after the outbreak of war. His conduct had led the police to suspect that he was a German spy. A search of his effects made it clear that he was a German reservist, who had been naturalised in Australia. A considerable quantity of German correspondence was found in his possession, together with several changes of clothing and a "bell-topper." He had also a number of military buttons stamped with the German eagle. He was taken to Wellington in the afternoon and handed over to the military authorities. He will probably be accommodated at Somes Island until the war is over
* Anast Thome
* Fritz Thurmer
* Carl (K.) Topp
* Max Topper
* Fred Trunt
* Erich Tschachkert

.. V ..
* John Vobbe
* Robert Vogel
* Paul Vogel
* Walter Volkmer
* Captain Felix A. von Luckner
.. In Dec 1917, Lieutenant-Commander Count Felix von Luckner, commander of the German raider Seeadler was 1 of 4 German Escapees. After a successful cruise in the Atlantic von Luckner moved to the Pacific and his ship was wrecked on Mopeilia, one of the Society Islands group, in 1917. Von Luckner and five others attempted to capture a ship to rescue his stranded men, but they were themselves captured and sent to New Zealand as prisoners of war.
photo Lieutenant-Commander Felix von Luckner, story at link

* Frank Voss
.. Frank & John Meyer, two German sailors pleaded guilty in Wellington in Aug 1900 for attempted burglary. Frank received 6 months gaol but they were liberated on condition they got berths on a Homegoing vessel. However, he was again charged for breaking & entering, theft and placing dynamite in a shop with intent to damage, in 1905 and given 6 years

.. W ..
* Hans W. H. Wachamann
* Friedrich (Fritz) Wagner
* Frederich Weber
* Osker M. T. Weidner
* Frederic Weingarth
* Wilhelm Wenhold (Piteche)
* Arthur Wiemann
* Albert Wilke
* Ernest Winklemann
* Gottlieb Wohnsiedler
.. Wanganui Chronicle, 6 Jan 1915. Under authority of the military powers, the police to-night raided a camp at Mangapapa, a suburb of Gisborne and arrested four Germans, including Gottleib Wohnsiedler (brother of Friedrich Wohnsiedler, whose pork butchery shop was wrecked by a mob on New Year's Eve). The four prisoners are, it is understood, to be sent to Wellington for internment on Somes Island. Since the New Year riot, there have been threats of mobs wrecking the premises of various alleged Germans and newspapers now contain advertisements by certain threatened individuals denying German parentage and tracing their ancestry for years back. The other men were Wilhelm Rauer, aged 27 years, a German artillery reservist, Hans Ronnau, aged 31 years, a German navy reservist and Edward Schober, a 25 year old Austrian reservist
* Max (Gus) Wolf
* Paul Woolf
.. 25 March 1915, Two young Germans - Edwin Balke and Paul Woolf, who were interned at Somes Island, escaped this morning by swimming over one mile and a-half to Petone, where they surrendered to the police. They stated that the object of their escape was to draw attention to the treatment of the Germans on the island. They had been employed at road work, which they declared was fit for convicts, and not for prisoners of war. They appeared little the worse for their swim, though a bleak southerly wind was blowing. One of the men lost his bundle of clothes, which he had strapped to his back, and used some of his companion's clothes on landing .. During his 2nd attempted escape in Aug 1918 (see Carl Hadler) he was described as 33 years, height 5ft 7in., dark complexioned, inclined to be swarthy, dark hair, brown eyes, knife scar across face - eye to left ear. Born at Boehum, Westphalen, Prussia. Fireman on Star of India, and arrested on arrival of ship at Wellington on August 12, 1914.
* Edward Wolfert
* Charles Wolke

.. Z ..
* Von W. Zatoval
* Christliet Zeitler
* Albert Zeiger
* Johann Zingsch
* Robert Zink

The files of the people who were paroled had to report weekly to their local police station. Those who did nothing further to draw attention to themselves, appear to have at some stage been purged.
G = German ~ A/J = Austrian/Jugoslav
* Anton Alach A/J
* Josif Alerich A/J
* Toma Alerich A/J
* Grgo Antonovich A/J
* John Ivan Antonovich A/J
* Joze Antonovich A/J
* Juri Antonovich A/J
* Mete Antonovich A/J
* Ivan Arnerich A/J
* P. Bebich A/J
* M. Bereich A/J
* A. A. Bocker (Miss) G
* I. Bothen A/J
* Ivan Brabin A/J
* Ivan Bulog A/J
* Anton Cebalo A/J
* Ivan Corich A/J
* M. Crabvac A/J
* Peter Culav A/J
* Grgo Culay A/J
* Jure Curach A/J
* Fritz E. De Stois G
* Jacob Deutsch G
* Anton Dropcih A/J
* Ludwig Eder G
.. Evening Post, 14 June 1916. Recently Mr Payne (Grey Lynn) asked the Minister of Defence why a man named Eder was released from Somes Island to go back to his employment at the Foxton Cordage Company, where he was engineer and where he is still filling that position. The Hon. Mr Allen, Minister Of Defence, has replied that Ludwig Eder was arrested and interned on 10 Aug 1914 and released on 2 Sep 1914, the necessary bond for his good behaviour being signed by Messrs Alexander Ross and George Henry Stiles, of Foxton. There was no question as to what occupation he would follow on his release, but Mr Ross guaranteed to find Eder employment and he was also prepared to enter into a bond for whatever amount the authorities might demand. Eder was kept strictly to the terms of his parole. In this case consideration was given to the position of Eder's wife and five children, British-born subjects, who were without money and would have become a charge upon the State.
* Dr Hjelmar von Dannevill (1862-1930) Dane
movie clip of Hjelmar & Somes (4:21)
.. Hjelmar was born in Copenhagen. She arrived in Wellington in 1911 and claimed to have studied medicine in Switzerland. She also claimed to have been a correspondent working on the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. She came to the attention of the NZ authorities during WWI. She was subjected to a forced medical examination by the military to determine her sex and was interned in solitary confinement for 52 days and released suffering a nervous breakdown. She was the only woman to be interned on the island. Evening Post, 28 May 1917. A mild sensation was caused in the city on Saturday, when a rumour went round to the effect that Dr Von Dannevill, of the Lahmann Health Home, Miramar, had been taken across to Somes Island and interned for the duration of the war. Unlike the many rumours which have been in circulation lately, this report has the advantage of being absolutely correct. Dr Von Dannevill, under the escort of two detectives, was placed on the island on Saturday morning. It is not known why this step was taken, except the fact that she is an alien enemy. Dr Von Dannevill attracted considerable attention whenever she appeared in the streets of Wellington, on account of the eccentricity of her dress, which usually consisted of masculine garb (men's hat, collar, coat, cuffs and boots) with a woman's skirt. Her hair was always close-cropped. The doctor is reputed to be exceptionally clever and has travelled widely. She was present through several naval engagements in the Russo-Japanese war. 13 July 1917, The Minister of Defence informed a reporter last evening that he had authorised the release on parole of Dr von Dannevill from internment on Somes Island, on condition her friends provide guarantees for her good behaviour. She is being released on account of ill-health. (she emigrated to Sydney 18 Nov 1919 on the 'Riverina')
Dr Hjelmar von Dannevill

* Marino Erceg A/J
* Anton Farach A/J
* Ivan farach A/J
* Mako Farach A/J
* Arthur H. Farrell G
* Guderia Arthur Horst Farrell A/J
* Theodor Gueinwieser G
* Wilhelm Gong G
* Martin Grbavac A/J
* Ivan Gugich A/J
* Martin Von Holdt G
* Toma Jerkovich A/J
* August Jovanovich A/J
* Mate Jujnovich A/J
* Marin Jukich A/J
* Ivan Kabalin A/J
* Roman Klug A/J
* Michael Kowalski A/J
* Anton Krishkovich A/J
* Merinslav Kukalf A/J
* Max Labarre G
* George Lipanovich A/J
* Mate Lulich A/J
* Anton Lupis A/J
* Marthun 'Martin' Luther G
* Fritz Markert G
* Mate Markotich A/J
* George Martinovich A/J
* Tony Marusich A/J
* Peter Yelavich Matin A/J
* Peter Matisich A/J
* Marko Mazuran A/J
* Ivan Meduk A/J
* Mate Mibalijivac A/J
* J. Mihagevich A/J
* Bernard Mihalkivie A/J
* Bogoslav Mizljak A/J
* Joseph Pier G
* Mate Pirsvic A/J
* Joe Piskulich A/J
* Sam Piskulich A/J
* Simon Piskulich A/J
* Anton Posa A/J
* D. D. Posa A/J
* N. Posa A/J
* Nickola Posha A/J
* L. Probica A/J
* John Puhalovich A/J
* Ante Radich A/J
* Joe Spajan Radich A/J
* Marko Pavo Ivan Rakich A/J
* Anton Saicich A/J
* Jokov Sain A/J
* Hans Seuss/Suess G
* T. Simil A/J
* Andro Sokolich A/J
* Ivan Sokolich A/J
* Josif Sokolich A/J
* Jure Sokolich A/J
* F. Subert A/J
* Pava Suman A/J
* Nikola Sutich A/J
* Krizau Toli A/J
* Bernard Toljan A/J
* Donko Tyrdevich A/J
* N. Urlich A/J
* Mate Vujicich A/J
* Ivan Vuletich A/J
* Carl Wagner G
.. NZ Times, 22 June 1916. The alleged absconding of an enemy alien was referred to in the House by Mr J. Payne (Grey Lynn), who asked the Minister for Defence whether one Carl Wagner was released from Somes Island under bond. Did he break bond and get safely away to America by the San Francisco steamer?. Who was the bondsman and has he forfeited the bond-money? The Hon. J. Allen replied: "Carl Wagner was released from Somes Island on parole on Sep 2 1914. He reported to the police up to Jan 23 1915, since which date he has not been seen or heard of by the police or military authorities. He was not released under a bond
* Albert Wolf G
* Andrew Wolf G
* Iliza Zderich A/J
* Pasko Zderich A/J
* E. Zolerich A/J

photo The 'Seeadler Men' and German Reservists boarding the Willochra in Wellington, May 1919

Matiu/Somes Island was used during the war as a prison camp. Therefore the 'happy life' photos above should be treated as propaganda. In a heady atmosphere of anti-German hysteria at the start of the war, German residents formerly seen as your friends, neighbours & work mates were now labelled the ‘enemy in our midst’, even though some were born here.
On Somes the regime instilled by the camp commandant, Major Dugald Matheson, was harsh. Accounts of regular beatings, verbal abuse, humiliation and poor quality rations forced the government in 1918 to undertake a Royal Commission into alleged ill treatment on the island. Though the camp authorities were cleared of any wrongdoing, the report made clear that a great deal of animosity and bitterness had developed between the two communities, largely due to the regular drunkenness and misbehaviour of the guards.
photo Major Dugald Matheson (1868-1944) seated left with some of his guards

In this article historian Andrew Francis looks at the treatment of Germans in New Zealand during the First World War.

Matiu/Somes Island Wellington in background

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on 2019-11-30 03:45:33

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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