CAREY & DOWTHWAITE Silver Anniversary, Patea 1937<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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CAREY & DOWTHWAITE Silver Anniversary, Patea 1937

Journal by ngairedith

Charles Henry CAREY (1890-1974) & Annie Elizabeth DOWTHWAITE (1887-1980) married on 12 Oct 1912
Their Silver Wedding Anniversary was celebrated in the Patea Town Hall Supper-room on Sat evening, 9 Oct 1937

A very happy evening was spent in the Town Hall when friends from far and near assembled to do honour to Mr and Mrs C. H. Carey who were that day celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage.
Mrs Carey, who was wearing a smart model gown of Malmsey wine ring velvet, made on draped lines, with a silver rose on one shoulder, was presented by the Mayoress, Mrs Ramsbottom with a beautiful bouquet of toning flowers, tied with silver ribbons. Mrs M. Carey was also presented with a shoulder spray.
Miss Jean Carey (Jean Elizabeth Carey) was wearing an ivory corded frock of duchesse, with a posy at the waist, and a white fur coat. Miss Nellie Carey (Selma Ellen Carey) wore a tunic frock of carnation pink crepe angela and lace with a white fur coat.
* also read Jean & Nellie Carey, sisters of Patea

The tables were charmingly decorated with silver vases of shaded red tulips, anemones and ferns. Outstanding among the decorations were two large silver bells which were suspended from the ceiling above the happy couple, and over the handsome anniversary cake, made in the form of an old-fashioned English thatched cottage, complete with gardens made by Misses J. and N. Carey.

After a delicious supper had been enjoyed a brief toast list was gone through. His Worship the Mayor who presided said nothing could give him grater pleasure than to be present that night to assist in doing honour to Mr and Mrs C. H. Carey. Mr Carey had been a valuable asset to Patea. He had given his best in the sporting world and other activities for the benefit of the town. He congratulated him on having been appointed to the Dominion Council of the Fire Brigade's Association of New Zealand. He had not only assisted the town as a member of the Fire Brigade, but he had been an active member of the Band, the Rifle Club and a member of the Borough Council. His parents, Mr and Mrs Carey were amongst the oldest settlers as well as the most respected settlers in the town and they should feel good at the gathering that night to do honour to Mr and Mrs C. H. Carey. He wished the guests of honour every happiness and prosperity in the future (applause)

Mr Pettitt, Hawera, said he had been associated with the guests of honour for over 25 years. As a member of the Fire Brigade and Rifle Club he had seen quite a lot of Mr Carey and found him a good sport, He wished them another 25 happy years of married life (applause)

Mr F. Spooner as an old bandsman also expressed his best wishes for the future. As a bandsman he had been an example to other members of the band. Whatever he took in hand he did well (applause)

The Rev. W. H. Walton also paid a tribute to Mr and Mrs C. H. Carey and congratulated them on celebrating their silver wedding and wished them every happiness in the future

Mr F. Naismith, Deputy Mayor also added his congratulations to Mr and Mrs C. H. Carey on their silver wedding. He had been associated with Mr Carey for 21 years and had nothing but good feeling and respect for him. Both Mr and Mrs Carey had been ready to assist any worthy cause. He wished them and also Mr and Mrs Carey senr. a further 25 years of happiness.

Mr Norman Coad on behalf of the Rifle Club also congratulated Mr and Mrs Carey and wished them every happiness in the future.
Mr C. H. Carey in reply thanked all present for attending to do honour to Mrs Carey and himself. He thanked his son and daughters and Mr Cosford for having arranged such a happy evening. He also thanked the speakers for their very kind remarks with regard to his work as a fireman for so many years but he would not have been able to do what he had but for the loving help he had received from Mrs Carey (applause). He again thanked those present for coming to do them honour (applause)

Other toasts proposed were those of Mrs Carey's parents, proposed by Mr Brown and responded by Mr Douthwaite; Mr and Mrs Carey proposed by Mr E. F. Hemingway and replied to by Mr M. Carey; the Mayor and Mayoress, proposed by Mr Douthwaite

Messrs Norman Blake, J. Haworth and H. Baogey in brief speeches paid eloquent tribute to the worth of the guests of honour and added their congratulations to both

Miss J, and N. Carey, Mr M. Cary and Mr G. Cosford proposed by His Worship and responded by Mr Cosford

The cake was then cut by Mrs C. H. Carey amid applause

Prior to supper a flag 500 competition was held the winners being Miss Larsen, Mr Brown, Mr C. Beauchamp and Mr C. H. Carey

Items were contributed during the evening by Mr Colin Brown (Wanganui), Mrs Masters, Mr J. Cunnison, Mr C. H. Carey and Miss J. Carey.

Among the relatives present were Mr and Mrs Franklin-Browne, Mr Colin F. Browne, Miss J. Larsen (Wanganui), Mrs D. Bennett (Palmerston North), Mrs Geo. Douglas (Wellington), Mr H. Douthwaite (Wellington), Mr and Mrs A. Douthwaite (Wellington) and Mrs Masters (Stratford)

Patea Town Hall 1950
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on 2018-03-15 05:25:41

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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