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looking for Info on Audrey Fullick (nee Smith/Butler Paddington NSW 1961

Does anyone have information on a Audrey Fullick (passed 1961) previously known by the Surname Smith or Butler and resided at Hargrave St Paddington NSW or maybe a J.A Fullick that resided also at Hargrave St Paddington NSW around early 1960's
ANy information is much appreciated


Info on George Sydney and Audrey May (nee Butler) Smith, Sydney NSW 1927-61


Looking for information on a George Sydney Smith and a Audrey May (nee Butler) Smith
Married in Sydney in 1927.
Have residended in Randwick,Pyrmont (1930) Thornleigh (1933)
Audrey checked into the Waterfall Sanatorium Werriwa in 1936
after which she went by her maiden name Audrey May Butler (not sure what happen to George Smith from here on)
In 1961 Audrey passed away under the name Audrey Fullick living in Paddington NSW

If anyone has any information on either Audrey or George nad fill in the missing blanks
I would be much appreciated

Lookin for Kennedy's Shoalhaven NSW 1850-1900

Looking for info on Kennedys from Nowra/Shoalhaven New South Wales between 1850-1900's
Particular realted to Andrew and Mary Ann (Nee Bevan)

6 comment(s), latest 11 years, 7 months ago

Odbert Butler Daughter of Rose May Butler Camden NSW 1894


Looking for information on a daughter born to Rose May Butler in 1894 Camden NSW
Ordia had a daughter herself in Aug 1912 in Lewisham NSW called Constance Alma Butler
that was adopted by Relatives The Kiddle Family?
Constance latter married a L. Odbert in 1934.
Unfortunatately no other information on Ordia Butler.

any information is much aprreciated for Family Research

Thank you

Richmond NSW

7 comment(s), latest 12 years, 2 months ago