Marilyn_noren on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Looking for William Green (1890) and John Jarvis (1898) who left London UK on May 31, 1927 for Sydney on Hobsons Bay

William Green aged 37 and John Jarvis aged 29 left Hett, Co. Durham UK on May 30, 1927 and sailed the next day from London to Sydney on board the Hobsons Bay. On November 19, 1927 their wives and children sailed to join them - Margaret 32, Joseph 10 & William Green 5. Margaret jarvis 28 and daughter Violet 3.

William Green was also the name of the Grandfather who emigrated to America in 1879 with his family leaving the eldest son William in
England - father of the above and also my great grandfather.

I live in the USA and visited England this Spring and took photos of ancestors homes, graves and also have pictures of Wm. Green's home in Hett, Co. Durham - the one who emeigrated to Australia.

If this rings a bell with anyone would really like to hear from you.

3 comment(s), latest 11 years, 6 months ago