Akehurst, Samuel
I am looking for the parents of Samuel Akehurst born in 1789 in East Grinstead, Sussex. I know he married a Frances and children John, William, Emma and Sarah. All were born in Worth.
Look forward to hearing for you.
Dear Karen, Welcome to FamilyTreeCircles. There are two ways of finding the parents of your Samuel AKEHURST. One would be to check the parish records of East Grinstead/Sussex and the other would be to have the luck of getting in contact with descendants who have this information.
Not knowing what country you live in, if you cannot access parish records in Sussex, logon to Rootschat - FREE Genealogy Research. Sign up as a new member with your own username like familytreecircles.
Goto the England - Sussex board and post a new topic. Also add AKEHURST in the surname interest section.
There most likely is an AKEHURST or similar spelling variation to the surname board at the genforums.
Try this also ... The Surname Navigator. This is the most powerful genealogical search engine that I know of. What you do is click on England, type in AKEHURST and press search.
Hint: The more information you include in your journals, i.e. share what you have, the more likelihood someone is researching the same family.
Kind regards and best of luck.