Alexander Storey 1816-1898
This post in my journal is about my great grandfather who lived in Bulter county Parker township Pennsylvania.I hope some one might find it of interest and maybe be able to help me learn a litte more about his family. Alexander Storey was born in 1816 to Capt. Robert Storey and Jane Moore. He was there oldest chid. Capt Robert Storey commanded a company of men from Bulter county durning the War of 1812. He settled in Parker township in 1796. Alexander Storey the son of Capt. Robert Storey married Elizabeth McElwine who was born July 30th., 1826. Some accounts say she was born a sex on the way here from Ireland and others say she was born in Pennsylvania. By 1850 Alexander had 35 acres of inproved land and 94 uninproved in his farm. His farm had a value of 1200 dollars. His farm implements and machiney had a worth of 10 dollars. Among the animals on his farm were 2 head of cattle, 23 sheep and 6 pigs. The value of his animals on his farm was $200.00. That year he produced on his farm 75 bushell of wheat, 40 bushel of rye, 60 bushell ofoats, 30 pounds of wool, 18 bushell of irish potatoes, 95 pounds of butter, 2 ton of hayy and 2 ton losted due to water and mildew and killed $20.00 worth of farme animals for food. His father Capt. Robert Storey died that year in 1850 and left him 100 acres of land and a $100.00 in case. He also left his son John a $100.00 but Alexander his brother was to give it to him $10.00 a year untill the sum of %100.00 was payed out to him On May 26th. 1856 Alexander gave John all the money his father had left him that had not already been given to him. The 1860 Bulter county cencus said that Alexander was 44 years old in 1860 and a farmer. He had land worth $2000.00 and personal property worth $400.00. His wife Elizabeth was 33 years old and his childreb were robert 11, and in school,Sarah 8 and in school, James in school, Elizabeth 3 and George 1/2 year old. In 1870 Alexander was 54 years old and had personal property worth $200. His wife Elizabeth was 43. There children were Robert John 20, Sarah Ellen 17 and in school. James Alexander 13 and in school,Elizabeth Olie 11 and in school, and George in school. The oldest boy Robert John worked on his fathers farm with his father. There post office at the time wad Bruin. Alexander was farming 50 acres of his farm e and 50 acres was in woods. The value of his farm was $4000.00. He payed farm help $75.00 that year to help him with farm work. Among the animals on his farm were 3 horshes, 3 head of cattle, 9 sheep, and 4 pigs. The value of his farm animals was $380.00. On his farm they had one oil well they named the Clipper One that pumped 600 barrels of oil a day. Around this time Alexander built a new home for his family that had 10 rooms and hand carved woodwork and fancey painted glass yo pot in it shipped her from Italy. In 1880 Alexander was 54 years old and still working on his farm. He had $100.00 worth of farm tools. His live stock was worth $500.00 and he spent $20.00 for building and upkeep of his farm. That year in 1880 he moved 2 acres of hay and had 3 horses, 3 milk cows, and 2 babby cows, 1 pig, and 20 chickens. He planted 2 acres of buckwheat, 3 acres of indiana corn, 8 acres of oates, 6 acres of wheat, 1/2 acre od potatoes, and had 2 acres of apple treese. Eliazbeth his wife took sick in 1895 with intermittent fever and died July 24th., she was 70 years old. After Elizabeth death Alexander chose to live in his large farm house alone in preterence to haveing anyone come and live with him or go and live with his children. On a Sunday Feb. 6th., 1898 his son James drove to his fathers farm from karns city to visit his father. When he got there he found the farm house locked up. On looking around a little he found his father dead in the yard. Where he had layed for at least 3 days. In his pocks thty found the keys to his house door. It was supposed that he had locked the house up and started out on some errand. When he was stricken with heart truble or paraysis. Alexander was 82 years old and one of the oldest citizens of Parker township. His intire life he lived on his farm in Parker township. He never took part in public or political affairs. Although his brother Robert was a county judge and his brother William served through the Civil War. His house hold things were sold off. James Storey gave his sister Elizabeth Olie $300.00 and payed his sister Sarah Ellen $400.00 for there part of the family farm. Thjat left James and George the sole owners of the farm. Alexander was buried at Bear creek Cemtery in Bulter county with his wife Elizabeth McElwine. Alexander and Elizabeth had the following children: Robert John, Sarah Ellen, James Alexander, Elizabeth Olie, and George Washington Storey. Rhis information came from my grandmonther Lydia T. (Glenn) Stlorey. The Democratice Hearld Feb. 11, 1898 at Bulter county public library at Bulter county Pennsylvania page 1. his estate pappers at Bulter county cort house. Feseral cencus records for Bulter county Pennsylvania. Bulter county history books at Bulter county library. the 1850, 1870, and 1880 agricencus cencus for Bulter county Pennsylvania at the Pennsylvania State Library.
on 2013-05-04 18:56:34
storey , from grove city, ohio united states, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2013.