ancestors from germany

looking for any information on Fleck surname, my father's name Harold B. Fleck's great grandparents came from CastleCastle, Germany.I don't know their names but, my father's parents were Walter & Bertha.Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Mema5157, here's a bit of help for you... []Surname Navigator[/url], select Germany, type in FLECK, and press ENTER.
And just try this, google "fleck+germany" and "fleck genealogy+germany" and have a good read. Maybe some websurfing might reveal some clues.
Just remember when researching your family tree, work backwards from yourself and try to avoid wild goose chases. Document all your data (known and possible/probable).
Cheers, Al downunder.

Whoops, here is link again, this time clickable
Surname Navigator