Angus and Agnes CLARK lived in Clark Road Apiti Manawatu NZ Louis...
Angus and Agnes CLARK lived in Clark Road Apiti Manawatu NZ
Louis Richard and Margaret STUART lived Awahuri Manawatu NZ
Thomas ROBERTSON lived Anderson Bay Otago NZ
I have information on CLARK Apiti and STUART Awahuri if you require. Please let me know.
would be interested in information that you have and willing to share what I have.
Angus and Agnes CLARK were my husbands great great Grandparents.
And Louis and Margaret were also his Great Great Grandparents.
Looking forward to a reply
have gathered up my information on the Clark and Stuart family just waiting a reply from you then I will send what I have
Thankyou, have got all my information gathered up to
it is really to much to put on this web site, can I send it to you any other way.