Any info for James Anna (Jimanna, Jimmy Ann, Annie) May/Ferguson. b. 191 Earle, AR. My GGmother. I have only a little information.<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Any info for James Anna (Jimanna, Jimmy Ann, Annie) May/Ferguson. b. 191 Earle, AR. My GGmother. I have only a little information.

Query by tinman47

Children: Gus and Guy (twins), dau, Forrest. Married a Ferguson, when?

Surnames: NONE
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by tinman47 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2018-12-24 01:27:47

tinman47 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2018.

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by markav on 2018-12-24 09:22:49

Hi Tinman, have been unable to find any marriage records, on 1930 census she is on her own with her children and in 1940 with her mother and brothers also. On her death cert her husband is named as J A Ferguson on family trees he is 'Jack' other details born in south carolina around 1879
Have not found her birth reg yet either

by tinman47 on 2018-12-24 20:30:55

Wow! thanks for the response. What is your relation to her? And, I have never seen a death certificate, nor date of, or where death. Would like to have a copy. Are we related? John A Ferguson is listed on my father's death cert, but I think it may not be so, at least from the old local rumor information. Your information is most, of what little I have about her.

by markav on 2018-12-25 07:47:02

Hi, I am no relation, researching is my hobby. I will contact you via private messages so look out for email and check your spam folder as they sometimes end up in there, then I can send you a copy of death cert and other bits I have found.

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