Any information on the family name DASH from South East London (Deptford)
on 2014-08-22 06:22:17
Robdash has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2014.
Could you be a bit more specific in the information your are looking for. Surname Dash in Deptford results in 1000's of people. I'm sure if you could post a bit more info myself and others will be able to help you.
I have been trying to do my husbands family tree and by accident I came across a few websites . 1st one is called the Jacob Dash Line in London which has so much information. There is also a Dash Family Bible , which , there are extracts on the internet. I have been able to track back to ancestors in Australia and I have now information back to 1740. Which is quite remarkable. If you need any help I am here