August von Hassel family from Grodener Horn, Germany, approx. 1910, to NY/NJ. <script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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August von Hassel family from Grodener Horn, Germany, approx. 1910, to NY/NJ.

Query by Arminius

August came to U.S. approx. 1910. Married Carolina (Lena: Born L.I.,N.Y.,USA). August said family name spelled differently, possibly von Hasseln. Drew up a family crest, yet to find how or why he claimed this was real. Stories claiming possible saving of princess from Sweden, however no proof. Tree may go back to 16th century. Cassel south of Koln bares (von) Hassel name. Would be lower nobility at best. Family said indirectly related, through marriage, to German, English, Russian, nobility. Relatives of this von Hassel line, live on Long Island, NY, NJ, FL, and soon to NC.

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by Arminius Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-03-11 10:30:32

Arminius has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2012.

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