BLACK James married Sarah HOGG 1857<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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BLACK James married Sarah HOGG 1857

Journal by tonkin

Infomation Journal.

Groom: James BLACK.
Bride: Sarah HOGG.

Year married: 1857.
Place: Victoria, Australia.

Three children located Victoria for James and Sarah.


Born: 1859 Richmond, Victoria.
Died: 1859 Richmond, Victoria.
Age: 03 weeks.


John Frederick BLACK
Born: 1860 Richmond, Victoria.
Died: 1860 Richmond, Victoria.
Age: 06 months.


Edward Jacob BLACK
Born: 1861 Kyneton, Victoria.
Died: -

Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria.

JN 24610

Surnames: 24610 BLACK HOGG
Viewed: 1520 times
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by tonkin Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2010-09-23 08:11:52

tonkin lives in Victoria, Australia.
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Journals are intended to assist new members locate family lines in Australia and should only be used as a guide for follow up research and record searches as intended. Due to spelling and informant errors appearing in the records, typo errors and my misreading of the records mistakes must be expected. Errors will be corrected when detected or advised.

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