Bourgeois of Massachusetts
I can trace my Bourgeois side of the family to my great-grandparents, Edmond and Anna (Beaudry?) Bourgeois. Anna was born in 1871 in Marlborough, MA and Edmond was born in 186 in Southborough, MA.
Their daughter Bella was my paternal Memere (grandmother).
I would appreciate any information anyone can provide.
Thank you,
Sorry I cant help you but maybe you could help me.I can trace my Bourgeois side to my grandfather Roger Bourgeois in Fitchburg MA who died in his late 30s or early 40s,or so ive been told.My grandmother Barbara dosnt know or cant remember much if anything about his family.My father was young when my grandfather died so he knows less than my grandmother.If you have come across any relatives fitting my grandfathers description please let me know.Since Edmond and Anna are from towns close to where my grandfather lived I thought we might be related.
I just saw your email. I'm still trying to find out about my Bourgeois side. So far, the only thing I know about Edmond is that his parents were David and Celia Bourgeois. I found that myself on I also found that Edmond had a brother named either Moise or Moses. I found it in from the census.
David and Celia (no maiden name) were from French Canada but I don't know the location. I also found that from the census in
Have you ever tried If not, it's free and I've found things on there that I haven't found on ancestry.
Good luck to you and thank you for your response.