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Brock Family

Journal by llja43

BROCK FAMILY My Grandfather Charles Thomas Brock born 1866 Kristiansand vest-agder ( Oslo Norway . natulised in New Zealand with his father Martinus 1881-1882. Death 2 July 1921 Newcastle New South Wales Australia.

Martinus born 1838 Kristiansand Norway imagrated to New Zealand , death 10 Jan 1884 Napier, i have copy of his will. do not know who his parents were. can any one help

Spouse Christina birth 1837 place of birth not known can any one help with this, her maiden name may have been Carlsborn

Carl no info

Oscar no info

Family arrived in NZ 1 dec 1893

Any other infomation to do with this family any one can provide would be appriacted

Surnames: BROCK
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by llja43 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-07-14 21:09:54

llja43 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2012.

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by EBrock on 2015-02-14 18:11:13

Hi there, I'm not sure if this post is still active, if it is could you please reply as I am a Brock desendant who's father family also migrated to new Zealand from Olso Norway and made Napier their home.


by AE21 on 2019-07-31 04:02:01

Hello Eliza
I just found this post while looking for information on Brock family from Newcastle, originally from Kristiansand. My great grandfather was Charles Thomas Brock and great great grandfather was Martinius Brock, who was married to Christina Carlsbon. I believe Charles Thomas Brock married Louisa Susan May on the 15th July 1890 at Christ Church Newcastle,Australia. One of their 7 children, Florence (number 5) was my grandmother. She eventually married and had 3 children, but she also had another child (in 1934)who was adopted out at 10 days old. This child was my mother. I am trying to find out more information & would love to make contact & share stories.

by nicsimpson78 on 2021-02-16 03:29:27

Hi there,
My great, great, great grandmother was called Aata Brock. She had a son with Hans Bjornstad called Gustave in 1855 in Norway. I'm curious about her because Aata is a Finnish name and Brock is an English name. Gustave and English May Farrar had a daughter, Jessie who lived in NZ from at least 1911 to 1919 and died in Australia in 1977. Her son, Jack Cunningham, was my grandfather and was born in 1914 in Dunedin. Maybe we're somehow connected! :)

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