Campbell, Joseph Jeremiah of Scotland

I am seeking information about Joseph Jeremiah Campbell who moved to New Zealand I think in the early 1900s.
His wife was from Ireland and I believe her name was Nellie Rosa Gobie, but not sure of that.
I am not sure of any of this info.
I would be greatful for any help.

on 2016-11-11 02:39:21
mmcampbell has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2016.

Hi there,
Have a look through BDM. You will find they married in NZ in 1900. They went on to have 7 children and they both died in NZ in the 1960s.
Try Papers Past as well.
Hope this helps.

Thanks for that, how the heck do you find this info?
I have tried online but it seems to just go round in circles.
In fact I have just visited the site you sent me and could not get any results, not sure what i'm doing wrong.
Im not very good with this stuff and I was not even able to find the same info you found.
Most sites I have signed up to end up wanting payment at some stage, I probably need to find a local group or someone who can help me.
Thanks again.

Here is your search page New ZEALAND BD&M just click on Births, deaths, or marriages.
Papers Past - Joseph Campbell The search may be refined by using the bar on the left.

Yes the name was Nellie Rosa Campbell
You may also turn to the National Library of New Zealand
Also try the hints to data bases listed here in this journal by the renowned New Zealand researcher NGAIREDITH

Hi there I maybe able to help you a little but not sure how much my fathers grandfather was joseph Campbell married to ellen rosa gobier they lived in New Zealand. Their son colin Ross campbell is my grandfather. Let me know if this is the same person. I will see how I can help you.