DENNIS - Virginia to North Carolina to Tennessee to Texas 1600 to the present<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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DENNIS - Virginia to North Carolina to Tennessee to Texas 1600 to the present

Journal by Jan_Laughlin

My DENNIS line begins with John Dennis and his son John Jr. that landed in Virginia in 1635. From Virginia, the family moved into North Carolina before going on to McMinn County, Tennessee. After the Civil War, my Allen Dennis Jr. took his family to central Texas. My grandfather, John Franklin Dennis 1869-1963 said that he walked to Texas beside the wagon. Into his 80s he could still recite the names of all the people in the wagon train but no one to the best of my knowledge wrote them down.

Although I know my direct line I do not know all of the siblings and descendants. I would love to share stories and greatly expand my DENNIS Tree!

My DENNIS Line - John Dennis Sr. 1612-1679; John Dennis Jr. ?-1652; John 3 about 1652-?; John 4 ?-?;
John 5 1755-1827; Allen Sr. 1801-1877; Allen Jr. 1839-1911; John Franklin Dennis 1869-1963; Madeline Dennis Moreland 1816-1996; Jan Moreland Laughlin 1944- living!

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by Jan_Laughlin Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2021-05-25 16:32:40

Jan_Laughlin has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2021.

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by Davydicus on 2023-03-08 17:55:28

Hi Jan,

I enjoyed reading your page. Found it quite interesting. Thank you for posting.

I think there might be 6 John Dennis in a row. Not sure though.
Look at these pages to see if you think they are interesting.

David Dennis

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