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Doss Family North Carolina

Question by CarolFuller

Looking for Jefferson Doss who lived in Surry County, NC. 1860 census has Jefferson and his wife living, Elizabeth, living the Rockford Township which lies along the banks of the Yadkin River. I am looking for Jefferson's parents who he has listed as born in NC. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jefferson was born circa 1811.

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by CarolFuller Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2017-02-10 00:56:31

CarolFuller has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2017.

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by bighaich47 on 2017-02-15 22:46:30

Hi Carol, Done a search& found this, could this be the family on Cemetery List.
Thomas Jefferson Doss.
Birth: Jun. 7, 1806, Scotland
Death: Nov. 10, 1891
Surry County
North Carolina, USA

Son of Jesse Martin Doss &
Elizabeth Nanny "Betty" Burns
One of eleven children;
4 sisters & 6 brothers

Married Elizabeth Caroline Holyfield
17 May 1845 Surry Co, NC
Father of thirteen children;
4 daughters, 7 sons & 2 unknown
1847 Malinda (Fowler)
1849 William Riley***see below
1851 Emily
1854 Ruel Anderson***see below
1857 John Henry***see below
1860 Alexander L. ***see below
1863 Jesse Martin # 59127158
1866 Mahala Jane "Milly" (Badgett)***see below
1868 Hulda
1870 James Tyra***see below
18?? Thomas

Family links:
Elizabeth Caroline Holyfield Doss (1828 - 1905)

Malinda Doss (1846 - 1917)*
William Riley Doss (1849 - 1921)*
John Henry Doss (1857 - 1935)*
Alexander L. Doss (1860 - 1936)*
Jesse Martin Doss (1863 - 1937)*
Mahala Jane Doss Venable (1866 - 1914)*
James Tyra Doss (1870 - 1944)*

*Calculated relationship

Copeland Baptist Church Cemetery
Surry County
North Carolina, USA

Maintained by: Marcia Lynne vonGunden
Originally Created by: Betty Walser Paige
Record added: Dec 26, 2007
Find A Grave Memorial# 23561605.
Maintained by the above Marcia Lynne vonGunden, A thank you to her.

Looking on Family Trees they have parents who are born after Jefferson which is wrong.


by CarolFuller on 2017-03-13 03:35:24

This is the line I have been researching. Thank You for sharing the information.


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