Elzora Grismore born Miller,Who was her Parents,she was born in 1896 and died in 1920
on 2017-04-07 00:09:38
Hi Henry, Was looking on the Net, Elzora seems to have vanished at birth, did the family use a different name/change her name.. I see your tree which I am looking at now, you have
Samuel Snr. marrying in 1885 when he was not born until 1892, an error I believe which could be misleading for others. Not complaining just pointing it out to you, so hope you don,t mind. I looked in the 1900 USA Census in Texas but to no avail, sorry, what else can I help you with.
,Samuel Grismore and Elzore miller,married in 1911-1913.
His Father and Mother married in 1885, in Tyler, Texas,Their name wasJames Grismore and Fredonna Washington