Ernest Feltus ADAMS + David William CASTLE<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Ernest Feltus ADAMS + David William CASTLE

Journal by ngairedith

from Family Tree Circles 24 Aug 2012
ERNEST FELTUS ADAMS (1865-1958) & Hannah Maud HALE (1867-1912) married in 1892. Feltus was a mining engineer & surveyor & lived in Albert St, Thames
the known children
* 1894 - Kenneth Ernest Adams
1896 - Osmond Cedric Adams
1899 - Eulalie Mary Gwendoline Adams
1900 - Alfgar Vivian Adams
1902 - Nellie Eunice Maud Adams
1904 - Trevor Alwyn Adams
1907 - Cicely Vida Constance Adams
1909 - Leslie Roland Adams
* Kenneth married Jessie Whittaker (1897-1984), daughter of James Henry Whittaker (1868-1947), the founder of Whittakers Chocolate

from THAMES - NZETC written about 1902
... Adams, Ernest Feltus, Mining Engineer, Authorised and Licensed Surveyor, Thames. P.O. Box, 5. Telephone, 69. Mr. E. F. Adams was born in the Isle of Man in 1865, and came to New Zealand with his father, Mr. James Adams, B.A., in the S.S. ?Great Britain? in 1871. The family settling in Auckland, he was mainly educated at the Church of England Grammar School, while his father held the position of headmaster of that institution, and completed his studies at the Thames High School, of which Mr. Adams, senior, is still the principal. The subject of this notice was employed in the Government Survey Department for about six years, working principally in the Hauraki Peninsula. He entered the service as a cadet, and passed his examination three years later. Mr. Adams resigned his position in the Survey Department to start business with Mr. James McLaren, formerly Inspector of Mines, as mining engineers and surveyors. After two years he purchased his partner's interest. The business he now carries on was established in 1867 by the late Mr. W. C. Wright, who disposed of his interest to Mr. D. H. Bayldon; that gentleman sold to Mr. Adams, who conducts a large and extensive business. The office's records of the goldfields date from 1867 to the present time, and the plans alone number over 3500.

21 December 1881 - CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS (Ernest aged 16)
... In the junior examination held October last 84 candidates underwent examination, of whom 20 passed and 64 failed. Ernest Feltus Adams, Thames; Church of England Grammar School, Parnell for 5 years; High School Thames for 1 years - passed with total of 1533 marks
... In the senior examination, 30 candidates unerwent examinaiton; 13 passed and 17 failed to pass. Ernest Feltus Adams - passed with total of 2357 marks
Horace William Colebrrok is the highest in the colony and Ernest Feltus Adams is the seventh

... Under Regulation No 4, DISTRICT: Hauraki, Thames.
To the WARDEN at THAMES - I hereby apply for a Licensed Holding for gold mining purposes, under the provisions of "The Mining Act, 1886", of the lands hereinafter described.
NAME and ADDRESS in Full of applicant:
- Ernest Feltus Adams, Thames, surveyor
LOCALITY where the land applied for is situated:
- Karaka Creek; situated between Alabama Creek and Little Nell Licensed Holding. Bounded on all sides by supposed unoccupied ground
EXTEND OF LAND applied for:
- 24 acres
AMOUNT OF CAPITAL proposed to be invested:
- 1000
- by tunnelling and stoping
- Twenty one years
- Mark on pegs, Marked out 7th June, 1899 at 3pm
The above application and any objections will be heard at the Warden's Office, at Thames, on 24th July, 1890, at 10.30am. Any person desiring to object to the issue of a license for the land applied for must, before that date, enter his objections at the Warden's Office, at Thames. - H. W. NORTHCROFT, Warden

20 April 1892 - MARRIAGE
... at St George's Church, Thames, by the Rev T. O'Callaghan, D.D., Ernest Feltus, eldest son of James Adams, B.A., to Hannah Maud, youngest daughter of J. W. Hall

in the 1893 Electoral Roll
... Earnest Feltus Adams was a Surveyor of Sealey St., Thames

- ... very large report at the this link of an action brought in the Hauraki Warden's Court to test the right of Thomas Henry Russell and the Koimata Goldming Company to the possession of a claim at Waitekauri. Some of the names involved were:
Ernest Feltus Adams
Hubert Percy Barry, manager of the Waihi G.M. Company
Edward Kersey Cooper
William Hollis
James Jordan
Harry Eyre Kenny
George Henry Mason
William Morgan, mine manager
John O'Toole
George H. Purchas, mining surveyor
John Guest Ralph
Thomas Henry Russell
William Henry 'Harry' Skeen
Mr Witheford
... Ernest Feltus Adams, surveyor and mining engineer, deposed, in answer to Mr Cooper, that he had examined the workings of the Waitekauri Licensed Holding on the 7th March, and found you could only go a certain distance in any of the main workings. On the surface, there was a drive, which he thought was an old drive, and a small stope had been taken. There was nothing to show systematic mining working for a period of nine months. At the Golden Point level, there were wooden rails at the cross-cut, but inside no rails. About 190 feet in, the back of the drive had fallen in from want of re-timbering. There was a drive to the right on the main level, in which the timbers were all in a dangerous condition. There were no rails across the road to the hopper; and these must have been taken away. The hopper doors and levers were missing, and also the terminal break and the wire rope of the self-acting grade, and the grade itself was in such a condition that it would be dangerous to run a truck over it. On the Queen level, a portion of the level though the Jubilee ground was in good condition. Ar one hundred feet from the turn off, that level had caved in also. There was also a drive to the right into which he did not go because it was in a bad condition when he was in there about nine months ago. From the condition of those workings, he should say there had been no recent underground workings, and such workings could not be carried on safely without repair. The ground had all the appearance for six months, and the tramway to the Lomata Co.'s battery was in a bad state. Three parts of them broken, while the trestle work was broken down where it crossed the creek. The tramway had been stripped of its gear. What was there now was the remains of a tramway

... The new building which Mr E. F. Adams purposes to erect in Queen street will be a valuable addition to the town, both from an architectural and business point of view. The immense volume of work which has fallen to Mr Adams' lot since the commencement of the "boom" has long ago proved that the accommodation and conveniences of his present office are altogether insufficient, and therefore a more spacious and up-to-date building to keep pace with the times. Even if the present rush for ground intensifies

... News frpm Paeroa states that an accident befell Mr E. Adams at Waitekauri on Wednesday night. He was riding from the Golden Cross along the company's tramline when the horse galloped into some trucks standing at the kilns. The result of the collision was that, although the rider maintained his seat, he recived a severe blow in the mouth

31 January 1898 - UP-COUNTRY NOTES
... The shotting competition of the Ohinemuri No 2 corps for two trophies presented by Messrs Hauge Smith and Co. and Mr E. Adams, took place last Saturday

... The following interesting report by Mr E. Adams on the proposed ferry on the Thames River was read at yesterday's meeting of the Thames County Council
- "Acting under your instruction I visited the site of the proposed ferry between Turua and the Matatike road in company with Councillor Bagnall and beg to furnish you with the following report, which I think covers the whole ground in a general manner ...

in the 1906 & 1909 Thames Street Directory
... Ernest Feltus Adams was a Mining Engineer & Surveyor in Queen St., Thames

... Tenders will be received for Tramway Formation at Waikino to the Waitawheta Bush in sections, ranging from 1,000 to 7,000 yards. Plans and conditions to be seen on the job. Tenders will be received up to Monday 22nd, November 1909 and to be addressed to manager Kauri Timber Company, Waikino

on 29 March 1912 at the Thames Hospital, Hannah Maud, dearly loved wife of Ernest Feltus Adams; aged 45 years. The Funeral of Hannah Maud Adams will leave St George's Church, Mackay-street, To-morrow, Sunday, 31st inst., at 2pm. Friends please accept this initmation - Robert Twentyman, Undertaker

on April 13th 1914 at the residence of J. W. Hall, Esq., the bride's father, by the Rev James Milne, M.A., Ernest Feltus Adams, to Ellen Mary CLARE, both of Thames

... A medical examination of volunteers for service with the Dominion reinforcements was held last night at the Drill hall. Forty men appeared and at this number 22 were accepted, 18 deferred and two rejected. The names, occupation and addresses of those accepted are:-
... & David William Castle, bushman, Vincent Street

1 April 1916
served in WWIl as Private 12/4151 with the NZEF, 11th Reinforcements Auckland Infantry Battalion, A Company. His address & occupation on enlistment was Bushman of Vincent Street, Central Auckland. His next of kin was his wife, Mrs A. J. Castle, 96 Franklin Road, Auckland. This was Ann Jane BRADY (1869-1925) whom he married in 1893 & had 3 children:
1895 - 1898 Mary Belinda Castle
- Mary died aged 3
1898 - 1969 Catherine Georgina Castle
- Catherine married John Michael Fitzpatrick (1897-1973) in 1919
1903 - 1971 John Patrick Castle
- John married Wilehlmina Winifred Daisy Bell (1909-1993) in 1931

7 January 1918
... In the list of names and addresses of men who returned by the latest troopship the address of Private D. W. Castle was given as care of a person and number in Franklin Road, The correct address should have been Mrs Castle, 37 Crummer Road

in October 1918
... Private David William Castle was reported as wounded, a son of Mrs Castle of Thames. Prior to enlisting with the Eleventh Reinforcements he was a Bush Contractor at Gumtown, Mercury Bay, and his wife was residing at Franklin Road, Ponsonby

in August 1917
... John William Adams served in WWI as Private 56212 with the NZEF, 29th Reinforcements Auckland Infantry Regiment, A Company. His next of kin was his brother Ernest Feltus Adams, Sealey Street, Thames

29 Aug 1923
Deed of Agreement made between the Corporation of the County of Thames and the Corporation of the Borough of Thames respecting the Thames Water-race
... For the purposes and objects of these presents the Borough Council and the County Council hereby appoint Ernest Feltus Adams, of Thames, Engineer, to define the area of land within the Thames County requisite for a watershed or catchment area in connection with such water-race, and the Borough Council and the County Council will abide by the definition made by the said Ernest Feltus Adams of such area, and the County Council will assist the Borough Council in creating the area so to be defined by legislation or otherwise as a reserve for all or any of the purposes of such water-race

6 October 1925 - MANGAWARA DISPUTE
... The Court of Appeal was engaged this morning hearing an appeal from the decision of Mr Justice Herman in an action heard at Hamilton in March. The appellant was Edward Charles Pilkington, of Tauheu, farmer, and respondents Frederick Will Platts of Te Kuiti, Stipendiary magistrate. Alfred James Baker of Auckland, Public Works Enginne. Ernest Feltus Adams of Thames, civil engineer. L. R. W. Reid, W. D. Thompson, E. A. Thompson, G. E. Buck, George Proctor, Tom Murchie, C. A. L. Thompson, B. Thompson, D. S. McKenzie, R. A. Cuff, C. A. Green and C. A. Proctorm all of Orini, farmer, and W. S. Carter of Wellington, farmer and the Mangawara River Board ... more at link

on Dec 5 1925
... at Epsom, Auckland, Ann Jane, wife of David Castle, of 24 Union St., City, aged 56 years. R.I.P. The funeral will leave C. Little and Son's Ltd., Hobson St., at 10am Monday, for Waikumete Cemetery
- Ann is buried Plot ROMAN CATHOLIC, DIVISION A, Row 4, Plot 95 at Waikumete

Ernest Feltus Adams

- taken from top link (photo of his premises also at that link)

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on 2012-11-28 04:10:24

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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