Family name of WYND living in and around Ellerslie, Victoria, Australia<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Family name of WYND living in and around Ellerslie, Victoria, Australia

Journal by halfgreen

This family would probably be related to my wife.

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by halfgreen Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2014-01-07 07:47:11

halfgreen has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2014.

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user steve74 deactivated
user steve74 deactivated
user steve74 deactivated
by halfgreen on 2014-01-08 08:12:14

Alice Wynd married a Ronald Oscar Herde. Both were in the RAAF, where he met her.

user steve74 deactivated
by halfgreen on 2014-01-08 23:08:18

Yes, Steve,
Her Parents were Alexander and elizabeth Wynd - I don't know her maiden name though. I do have Alexander's enlisting information for WW1 and that three other Wynd's went too.

by tonkin on 2014-01-08 23:27:56

Alice WYND was born in Mortlake, Victoria on the 13 October 1923.
Alice served with the Royal Australian Air Force from 1942 to 1945.
Rank was given as Corporal when discharged in 1945.
Next of kin was named as Alexander WYND.

by tonkin on 2014-01-08 23:41:42

This may be the marriage of Alice's parents.

Groom: Alexander WYND.
Bride: Elizabeth PULHAM.
Year married: 1921.
Place: Victoria.
Ref: Registry of Marriages, Victoria. Reg #1823.

by halfgreen on 2014-01-08 23:48:58

Thanks Tonkin,
This is the best match I've seen. Now to go back in time.

by tonkin on 2014-01-09 00:49:53

The only WYND family in the Ellerslie and Mortlake area was David WYND and Alice RIMMER married in 1874 as mentioned by steve74 above. Steve has also included some very interesting information on the family and will be a big help to you.

For my part I have been searching the records 'on and off' for a few days and have put a family record together for David WYND and Alice RIMMER and hope it will assist you with further research.


user steve74 deactivated
user steve74 deactivated
user steve74 deactivated
user steve74 deactivated
user steve74 deactivated
by kaz2011 on 2014-10-18 23:29:16

David Wynd is my great great grandfather

by Erin84 on 2014-11-16 02:35:18

Not too sure if you will still get this message as it was a few months ago. I have just come into contact with my family tree and am trying to go further back (and forward) and am wondering what information you have on the Wynd family, I have from 1842-1985 starting with David and Alice and have found Alexander and Elizabeth, their children and children's in with it. Would love to see what you have and am more than happy to help you out where i can.

by Erin84 on 2014-11-16 02:39:10

Kaz David is my great great grandfather too :)

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