Finch& Woodhatch Surrey I am looking for any information on these two born 1584 and 1580 respectively. Was there only one child out of this marriage? And any information about their respective backgrounds would be gratefully received. I do have <script :: Genealogy
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Finch& Woodhatch Surrey I am looking for any information on these two born 1584 and 1580 respectively. Was there only one child out of this marriage? And any information about their respective backgrounds would be gratefully received. I do have

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by 61249 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2018-08-21 02:21:09

Family from Glasgow, Shropshire, Wales, Surrey, Devon

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user kw82945 deactivated
user kw82945 deactivated
by 61249 on 2018-08-23 09:41:16

Thanks for taking the time to put that up, I had read up about the origins of the name. But am keen to find out what they did for a living etc.

Cheers Bronwen

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