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Fosty Family

Journal by debbie29

Hi My name is Debbie. I posted on here about 13 years ago. I have done some searching here and there. I am the same person with the spelling of Debbue. As I have posted before still looking for information with the FOSTY last name. I did find a cousin of mine and we are in the process of getting together soon. This is my father's brother who got adopted in 1944. Father's name is ANDREW F FOSTY SR, his brother was ALEX. Got adopted to a excited.

Now I found out that my Grandmoter (Father side) who I thought was JUSTYNA, may now be a URBANA or HATANA FOSTY.

Any information would be great.

Thank you

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Surnames: FOSTY
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by debbie29 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2020-01-20 20:05:42

debbie29 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2020.

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