From France to Savannah to DuPont...<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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From France to Savannah to DuPont...

Article by pdx_dduPont

The information I have is from the "History of Clinch County". Peter DuPont came from France with his 2 Brothers. Paul DuPont went North, Eugene DuPont went South (I have no idea what happened to him) & Peter, I believe settled in Savannah, Georgia. My focus is on the descendants of Peter DuPont.

On August 31st of 1819, John Peter Augustus DuPont was born in Savannah, Georgia. Approximately 1850, he wed Miss Eliza Green Nichols, And by her had 3 Sons, J.P.A. DuPont Jr., Thomas Charlton DuPont, and Lee Lefebvre DuPont (My Great Grandpa).

J.P.A. DuPont Jr. (would, later in life be known as Augustus DuPont) was born in Savannah, GA on September 17th, 1856.
Thomas Charlton DuPont was born at Darien, GA on November 27th, 1858, raised in DuPont, Ga (then called Lawton). He died Sept. 6th, 1884 at the age of 26 yrs old.
Lee Lefebvre DuPont was born in Savannah, Ga. on October 23rd, 1863. He has grown up in DuPont, GA since babyhood.

There is oh so much to tell about their lives... and I will... later...

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by pdx_dduPont Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-11-19 01:44:28

pdx_dduPont has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2012.

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by TherealDanielle on 2013-05-10 22:51:42

Who are you? Can you elaborate about your history?

by ddupont_503 on 2013-10-10 23:49:41

I forgot my password so I had to create a new profile. I'm at ddupont_503 now. As far as who I am, I'm researching the Peter DuPont line of DuPonts, that settled in Georgia. I also have some information on J.P.Augustus DuPont, as well as his brothers, Charlton & Lee Lefebvre. I will be posting on my new profile now...

by vdupont on 2014-04-05 15:39:05

I don't know if you still look at this page, I think I have information on Pierre (Peter) Dupon who settled on the Isle of Hope, his brother Paul who never married and had a tract in Florida (Spring Garden), Elisabeth Legriel his sister who settled in Savannah and Jean Pierre who went back to France. They all fled St Domingue at the Haitian Revolution. I don't know of Eugene, but I have letters saying a John P. A. was the son of Pierre (Peter) and this biography which links JPA with his brother Stephen (Etienne) as well as Pierre and Paul.

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