Genealogy Friends in Central Derbyshire, England<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Genealogy Friends in Central Derbyshire, England

Journal by rosekzn

A number of people have done 'one-place studies' of areas or cities and is most certainly my favourite! The fact that it is also totally FREE is an incredible bonus. John Palmer is also a member of the rootsweb mailing list 'derbysgen' and he shares so much information on the list as well! Of course through the mailing lists ( one finds 'cousins' we never knew about and will probably never meet, but what fun comparing notes! One member I found shares my great grandmother (I think!)and sent me a thick wad of papers of his research (I think he was writing a book!)

Through another I found the most beautiful photograph of my great grandfather. I am fortunate that my mother has written down her life story and I immediately recognised the photo from her description. The joys of technology and the internet mean I could print out the photo of both Great Grandfather JOSEPH ASH and Great Grandmother EMMA SLATER, A4 size and now my mother (92) treasures her photos!

Putting your personal details on the internet is often not recommended in these days, but in family history it's certainly a bonus! 'Someone' saw an article I'd done mentioning his own grandparents and emailed me. Through this stranger's contact, I got in contact with his father in Canada (I'm in UK)- who is my father's cousin! They have written to me a few times and also made contact with my Mother! New family!

The rootsweb mailing lists often throw up names and dates of people totally unrelated to me, but my computer has a delete button and it doesn't bother me that I get such a lot of 'useless' information! Because every now and then a gem sparkles on the screen. So all the Derbysgen mailing list members are good Genealogy Friends! We share information which often times we've had to pay for, but are willing to share it with others, knowing that they will do the same for us!

Surnames: ASH SLATER
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by rosekzn Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-08-27 06:15:27

rosekzn has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2012.

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