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George Leer and Charlotte Preston

Journal by nessskin

looking for relatives of George and charlotte they married in 1867 in Surrey, England. their children were Charlotte (my line) George, Fanny, Alfred and Arthur. would love to here from you.

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by nessskin Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2009-02-16 15:57:12

nessskin , from sydney, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2008. is researching the following names: HIBBERT, CASKEY, LEER and 12 other(s).

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by briggsy on 2009-09-22 05:14:49

Hello there, I am a descendent of George and Charlotte through George Henry, their son. I am trying to find out more about their ancestors. Do you have any other information on them. I currently have the marriage certificate of George Henry Leer and Fanny E Fowler who were married in Balmain, Sydney Australia. Where are you situated?
Yours in interest

by nessskin on 2009-09-22 14:24:49

Hi there Briggsy, nice to here from you. my line goes down daughter Charlotte and David Caskey. I live in Barden Ridge ( Menai Area).

by gman90 on 2015-02-16 02:31:02

David Caskey is my great,great grandad and my my great grandad is Frank woodburn Caskey would be good if you could get in touch with me!!

by gman90 on 2015-02-16 02:36:13

David Caskey is my great,great grandad and my my great grandad is Frank woodburn Caskey would be good if you could get in touch with me!!

by nessskin on 2015-02-16 02:47:46

Hi there, so my great grandmother Maud Caskey was your great grandads sister.

by gman90 on 2015-08-02 09:40:07

Yes that is correct Vanessa frank come to the UK during the First World War and stayed here and had a family!! My grandad said he went back a few times to see he's mum Charlotte and I think he was at her funeral in Sutherland but he did not go for he's dads David which is very strange? Do have any more information about the caskeys and my grandad said he met george when he come over in the war as well your great nan's other brother!! Good to hear from Ross

by gman90 on 2015-08-02 09:52:55

I also have a picture of your great nan with my great grandad frank when he went back in the 60s

by nessskin on 2015-08-03 00:33:44

My email address is I have a great photo to share with you too :) Charlotte and David are buried together. I can send u a picture if you like. I grew up in gymea bay.

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