GGGrandfather William MANNING<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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GGGrandfather William MANNING

Journal by kathleenc

This is the obituary for William Manning, father of Edith Manning:
Peabody Gazette-Herald, Peabody, Kansas, dated Sep. 19, 1895, page 5, col. 4
Obituary; Wm. Manning, one of the early settlers of this vicinity, died at his farm home, southeast of Peabody, on Thursday, the 12th inst., aged 50 years, 27 days. The deceased was born in St. Louis, and lived for many years in southeastern Iowa, from whence he moved here in 1873 and located on the farm. He was prominently and favorably known, and a large number of friends gathered to attend the last sad rites. The funeral was held at the Fairplay Church, Friday afternoon, Rev. J.L. McKay officiating, and the body was interred at the Stone Church Cemetery, in Summit township. The deceased leaves wife and eight children; three boys and five girls, who have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.

Surnames: MANNING
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by kathleenc Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2010-12-01 19:28:14

I'm also researching Guyton, Cole, McAlister lines. Just starting on the GUINTY, SNODGRASS, PIPER line on my father's line. My ancestors came from England, Ireland, Scotland. They settled in Massachussetts, Kansas, Mississippi, Virginia, North Carolina. I have also been researching the Manning line on my fathers side. The Sanders line is nearly complete, exept the large wall between William Aaron and his ancestors (Thanks to DNA evidence disproving a large part of my work, and the work of others!). Would love to hear from any distant cousins I have out there!

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