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Gotta Start Somewhere

Journal by Masinighizik

So far, i`ve recorded my fathers siblings, of which there are 7. Three aunts and 4 uncles. That was easy i thought...I think i will stick to his side of the family for now. I am already having a problem trying to aquire birth dates for all my 1st cousins. I am only scratching the surface since all my cousins have children and many of their children are already parents. As a matter of fact, what i`m doing now is stuff i`m supposed to know already. Wow, and i havn`t even started the real journey. Which is tracing my grandfathers` father and his father and so on and so on.
Why did i ever decide to start this? Now i`m too curious to stop.

So wish me luck and here i go...

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by Masinighizik Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2010-06-21 23:11:43

Masinighizik has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2010. is researching the following names: CHIEF.

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