Grandmothers-Susie Walker Manns of Buckingham Va.and Grace Evans Hamilton of Farmville Va.<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Grandmothers-Susie Walker Manns of Buckingham Va.and Grace Evans Hamilton of Farmville Va.

Journal by susiecmanns

Susie Walker Manns,1884,son Edward Lester Manns,1920-1974(myfather)Grace Evans Hamilton,daughter-Carrie L.Evans Manns-1927-1997.(mymother).My mother`s Grandma-Caroline(Carrie)Wise Evans,1895, GreatGrandma-Frankie Wise.My GreatGrandpa Henry Evans,1885-1960.His father & motherJohnson Evans-1863and Loucindy1866.Manns

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on 2013-03-24 10:09:34

Father and mother family

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by susiecmanns on 2013-03-24 10:31:35

WE Need to locate our Ancestors on Both sides of the Family.I know we can HELP each other. God will make Away for Us to Do It. Lets get Our FamilyTree together,Amen...Manns, Walkers, Evans,Wise and there are more>>>>.

by susiecmanns on 2013-03-24 20:41:30

Frankie Wise-11 children,Louis,Fleming,No name,James,Caroline(carrie G-Grandma),Lucile,Lucy,William,Georgie,Ola,and Eva. Caroline Wise Evans-4children,Grace,James,Ray and Louis(Elise).Grace(grandma)7 children,LiL Carrie,Molly,Edith,Allen Jr.,Sadie, Barbara and Ray(Rae).Carrie L Evans Manns(mother)3 children,Richard-(deceased),Susie and John.

by susiecmanns on 2013-10-08 17:29:49

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