Harriett Bicknell mother of William Cable born abt 1850
William Cable married Millicent Hales in Queenstown Otago on 2 January 1884
The marriage certificate gives Harriett Bicknell as his mother
I am looking for information about Harriet OR HER HUSBAND WHOSE NAME IS ALSO wILLIAM
on 2013-07-01 01:02:16
penguinswife has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2013.
I am hoping you are still at this address, I just found this message, our family names are as follows Hales, Cable, Harriet Bicknell, Pike, Robbins, Angelo, Lobb, Scott, and Owen, I am married to William Owen, son of Myrtle Scott who is the daughter of Winnie Cable, she was the daughter of Millicent Hales, now we go back to the Hales etc etc perhaps we can help each other, I hope so, William John Cable was the son Of William P CAble, who drowned and Harriet re-married a william hughes, there is a book in the library about the latter 2, i might be a little garbled but I am in a hurry and going by memory right now, Kind regards, Adriana Owen, ps my personal address is weamcowen@gmail.com