Ko Maungataniwha Te Maunga
Ko Tapapa te Awa
Ko Hokianga te Moana
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te Waka
Ko Nukutawhiti te Rangitira
Ko Mangamuka te Marae
Ko Ngapuhi te Wharetupuna
Ko te Whaea te Whare kai
Ko Hohepa Otene Pura te Tangata
Ko Hetaraka Waaka Harris taku Papa
Ko Martha Rea Harris (Nee Thomson) taku Mama
Ko Rangimarie Harris-Wikaira taku Ingoa
No Mangamuka ahau.
Kia Ora Whanau Whanui,
Anything pertaining to Mangamuka Marae you can contact Me on;
Ka kite ano Rangimarie.
on 2009-11-13 22:48:32
Rangimarie has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2009.
Kia Ora / Welcome.
You might like to try the Papa Panui Noticeboards) at the Whakapapa Club.
Note that you must first register to use their fabulous free site.
Best wishes.
Kia ora whaea kēkē, ko te ao tsku ingoa. Ko Herbert Thomson ka moe ko Materoa Manawaiti ōku tipuna. Ko Allan ka moe ko Anahera Curtia ōku mātua. I recall goin to Mangamuka once such a lovely place when aunt Pat was alive. I remember at Kaputuhi wen I was pregnant with my son 24yrs ago aunt Pat said I had a nuda 16 to catch up I thought heck no. haha.Just needed to no abit more of da thomson whakapapa our pepeha. the Otene connections. Is our marae the same one as Mangamuka aunt he wareware ahau. Got names put together by aunt Jeans mokopuna. Howeva u lot are the tuturu Nga Puhi whanau. mwah