Hartenstine search
looking for elizabeth hartenstine married to Henry Meyer, her parents Jacob Hartenstine and Ann possibly, Elizabeth born 1828 Chester County PA.
on 2008-10-30 06:58:21
carolebinnig , from houston, tx, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2008. is researching the following names: HARTENSTINE, SMITH.
I don't know if you have found your answer but I have a Hartenstine geneology study done at Swarthmore, PA dating back to 1740 when three brothers named Hottenstein from the Essingen area of Germany landed aboard the Lydia in Philadelphia from Rotterdam. One brother died in port. Johan's name was recorded by Captain Carpenter as Hartenstine; Ludwig as Hartenstein.
The pages are scans so I can only send them via snail mail or email. We would enjoy having the opportunity to learn what you have found about the Hartenstines.
Warren Hartenstine