Has anyone lost a George or Joseph Simpson born in 1804 & 1809
George Simpson (born c1804) was a bricklayer and married Elizabeth Bird at St Mary?s, Lambeth on Christmas Eve 1835.
George & Elizabeth had five children; Sophia, Elizabeth, Margaret, Harriet and George junior. Their first child was born in Hampshire Street Lambeth, their second in Smith Street Camberwell New Road and the others at St Marks Road, Kennington.
George senior died of TB at St Mark?s Road, Kennington in 1850 and is buried at St Mark?s, Kennington.
Joseph Simpson (born c1809) was a bricklayer and married Diana Bird (Elizabeth Bird?s sister) and the witnesses to their wedding were Sophia and George Simpson.
Joseph & Diana had five children; William, Abraham, Dinah, Joseph and Richard, three are known to have died in infancy. Their first four children were baptised at St Mark?s Kennington and the last at St Matthew, Brixton.
Joseph died at the Lambeth Workhouse in 1847 also of TB.
The question is: were George & Joseph brothers and where were they born?
on 2012-02-28 15:06:59
bwhorwill has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2011. is researching the following names: BIRD, SIMPSON, HENRIKSSON and 7 other(s).