Hello everyone, I have been trying to find information on my family. I have been stuck on Catherine Lawlor and her husband, John Morrissey. They had a daughter named Elizabeth Morrissey who married David Green in 1876.Would anyone have any info? Thank you :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Hello everyone, I have been trying to find information on my family. I have been stuck on Catherine Lawlor and her husband, John Morrissey. They had a daughter named Elizabeth Morrissey who married David Green in 1876.Would anyone have any info? Thank you

Question by CGreen

Surnames: NONE
Viewed: 517 times
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by CGreen Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2022-11-01 02:41:36

CGreen has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2022.

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by markav on 2023-01-03 18:44:59

Detail Source
Name: Catherine Lawlor
Gender: Female
John Morrissey
Ellen Morrissey
Registration Number: 16056 is this the same family

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