Henry Stewart in Taranaki & Feilding, New Zealand
My GGGrandfather set off from Portsmouth, his birthplace, for New Zealand in 1872 but I can't find him living in Portsmouth. Maybe he was in the naval barracks. Is anyone else looking for him?
on 2013-05-01 07:54:46
waite47 has been a Family Tree Circles member since May 2013.
Yes, Henry George Stewart is my Great Grandfather and we are looking for info about him prior to arriving here in NZ. We have been told he was married to an American woman with who he had a child prior to arriving in NZ. Have you found anything further since posting your query in 2013?
Thanks for that info. Some say HGS was born in San Francisco but again very hard to find evidence of that. I wondered if he went hunting for gold. I certainly haven't heard about his possible marriage before NZ. Please continue your search as will I.
Someone said that Henry George and his father went to San Francisco as blacksmiths and wheelwrights to work on changing sailing ships to steam ships. So far I am unable to verify this.