Hi, I am looking for some evidence about Margaret Ashton (maybe Asheton) born in 1535-1540 in either Shillington or Pirton Bedfordshire. She married Thomas Parratt and they had several children. My problem is that I cannot find out who her parents were. :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Hi, I am looking for some evidence about Margaret Ashton (maybe Asheton) born in 1535-1540 in either Shillington or Pirton Bedfordshire. She married Thomas Parratt and they had several children. My problem is that I cannot find out who her parents were.

Query by zedd

I found a Richard and Dyonis Asheton listed in the Bedfordshire Visitations. But her name isn't mentioned. Most of the family trees on Ancestry, My Heritage and Family Search genealogies suggest her ancestors are related to Sir THOMAS "The Alchemist" De Ashton born in Lancashire. I can't find any evidence to back this up. Has anyone actually got any real evidence to show that this Margaret Ashton has links to this line?

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by zedd Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2019-04-12 23:47:05

zedd has been a Family Tree Circles member since Apr 2019.

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