HUNT - SURREY, ENGLAND<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Journal by ucantsayno

HUNT ? This Hunt family mainly lived in Surrey, England. The line I am researching begins with Charles and his wife Jane. Charles was born in Norwood in 1842; he was a house painter all of his working life it appears. Jane was born in 1843 in Reading or possibly Lambath?
Between them Chalres & Jane had nine children: Emily Hunt (b: 1861), Florence Hunt (b: 1864), Alice Hunt (b: 1866), Rose Minnie Hunt (b: 1868), Charles Herbert Hunt (b: 1873), Ellen (Helena Margaret) Hunt (b: 1875), Frank Hunt (b: 1878), Thomas W. Hunt (b: 1880) & Rose Hunt (b: 1885). It appears that the first daughter Rose the family called Minnie, and so they had another daughter which they called Rose.
Rose Minnie Hunt married James Edgar Knox Gibbons. I know very little about the other children, but would like to find out.

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by ucantsayno Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2005-03-17 00:57:06

ucantsayno , from Victoria, Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2005. is researching the following names: CHRISP, HOULDEY, SHARP and 31 other(s).

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by JuanNZ on 2012-10-12 16:59:55

Sorry it was this post I was replying to :)

Gibbons is also a family name I am aware of, and I have a picture of an Aunt Flo...


by JuanNZ on 2012-10-12 17:04:15

Sorry it was this post I was replying to :)

Gibbons is also a family name I am aware of, and I have a picture of an Aunt Flo...


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