Hunter/Lunan Canada<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Hunter/Lunan Canada

Journal by HazelM63

My 2nd great grandmother was Margaret I. Hunter she married George Anderson Lunan. Im searching at moment for info on Margaret. No one in my family seems to know much about her. She was born as far as is known in Canada in 1868/9? daughter of George and Isabella Cockburn Hunter she had at least one brother named David Hunter. Margaret and her husband had several children most of whom died young of their surviving children their daughter Mabel is my great grandmother and also the source of info in our family line. That is where what we know for sure ends, according to their daughter Mabel Margaret I Hunter was orphaned young was adopted by George and Isabella Hunter. That much i found on a record for Margaret long ago. However daughter Mabel claimed her mother Margaret was Native American in ancestry full blood, but here is where it starts to sound a bit off, Mabel claimed her mother was Cherokee as far as I am aware the Cherokee lived in southeastern USA. Having said that I understand it could be possible that she may have belonged to a different tribe or perhaps not all. If anyone may be related or have info it wou;d be of great help... Thank you, Hazel Melroy

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on 2021-07-27 20:30:28

HazelM63 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2021.

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