I am researching the family of my husband. I have traced the family back to Jonathan Spry (1805-1851)...and from here on the information is very confusing. I believe Jonathan was born in Washington, PA and may be the son of William Spry (1756-1836). <s :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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I am researching the family of my husband. I have traced the family back to Jonathan Spry (1805-1851)...and from here on the information is very confusing. I believe Jonathan was born in Washington, PA and may be the son of William Spry (1756-1836).
Query by nunday813

When I research William and his wife, Margaret, I find a Nathan Spry, born 1797 which does not correspond to the birth of Jonathan born 1805. If any one has detailed information that dates further back, I would sincerely appreciate your most gracious assistance. I can be reached at pday813@att.net Thank You!

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on 2018-09-20 22:45:00

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