I am searching for information about Anton Borkovec or any similarites. Born in Czech Republic.
I know Anton had at least one son James Borkovec born November 10 or 11, 1854 in Bohemia. Thats about all I have for info.
on 2017-08-08 04:25:31
PBork has been a Family Tree Circles member since Aug 2017.
Hi, have you any idea of birth, marriage or death of above, where in Czech Repulic. Did he/she leave there & go elsewhere.?. I know in UK Anton is Male, is Antonin Female.
Ok, I didn't know that. Looking for Anton Borkovec. He had at least one son his name is James Borkovec and he was born November 11, 1854 in Bohemia. I have a hard time searching since I can't read Czech. I found a couple Anton's but not much information comes with them. I found one Anton born March 3, 1826 Ceckov #1, Vrcholtovice. But can't find out anymore. Thanks for you help.
Paul B.
Paul was looking on Ancestry seen your tree among others but no one has much on Anton at all. Good Hunting.
I believe the name began as Anton Borkcovetz and he was born 6 March 1826 and he emigrated to Keewarnee County He died on the 5 November 1895. Check this Cemetery page
I should add, he was born in Neustupov, Central Bohemia.
Neustupov is a municipality and town in Benešov District in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic.
Today Neustupov has 525 inhabitants from 137 addresses.
It has a very old jewish cemetry There is no longer a Jewish community in this region and sadly the cemetery has fallen into disrepair.
Czechoslovak Genealogical Society
Thanx Janiye, always rely on you to keep me right.
Thanks Janiye, I know of this person, however I'm not sure it's the right Anton. He would of had a son named James, who I believe was born on 11-10-1854 in Bohemia and dies 8-01-1925 Lena, Wisconsin, USA. My records show that James immigrated to the USA in 1866. However I know that last names can be misspelled and data is sometimes hard to find.