I come off one of the many branches of Pukeroa

My name is Mariana Pukeroa, my dad is Pateriki Hohepa Pukeroa his father was Ngakuru Pareima Pukeroa the eldest son of Tuhi and Pareima Pukeroa, from what I understand they moved from Waikere, Ahipara to Pawerenga with their children, this is where I believe he met my nana Amelia Waipouri, mainly known as Cussi, her parents were my namesake Mariana and Amato Waipouri, and this is about the extent of my knowledge. I am interested in obtaining more information and especially if im able to obtain pictures of Tuhi and Pareima as no one in my whanau have any and maybe a more comprehensive and accurate whakapapa for my whanau. I am aware that we descend from the first two sisters that came from the Waikato, daughters of Kingi Mahuta (my mums side). Knowledge is power and I would love to have more evidence for future generations of Te Uri O Pukeroa.

on 2019-01-03 10:08:56
mari1964 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2019.

Kia ora cousin. Peraima and Tuhi are my great grandparents too. My grandpa is Hepeti. My uncle Ropata knows our Whakapapa. Like wise would love to see a photo of them.