In The Mountain?s Shadow
A Century of Chinese in Taranaki 1870 to 1970
The year in which the Chinese first arrived in Taranaki is unclear, but it may have been some time before 1874. Entrepreneur Chew Chong had already discovered fungus in the province, having advertising for it in a January 1874 edition of the Taranaki Herald.
This book provides a historical record of the Chinese in Taranaki during this period. A collection of early newspaper articles and advertisements, government records and interviews with locals and families of the early Chinese provide an insight to their lives.
By the early 1970s there were no early Chinese families left in South Taranaki, and few families remained in the rest of the Province.
Helen Wong August 2010
ISBN 978-0-473-17508-5
There are a few copies left. It will be reprinted if there is a demand for more copies.
The book has been reprinted nwo. email me at helendotfamilytreeatgmaildotcom
$NZ20 plus P & P