Irish McDonalds in Nova Scotia<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Irish McDonalds in Nova Scotia

Journal by EverettM

I started researching my McDonald ancestry several years ago. I always assumed I was Scottish, after all I’m a McDonald, my gr gr grandfather came from Nova Scotia. After years of searching through thousands of McDonalds in NS I had my DNA analyzed hoping for a connection. No connection, I’m not even close to Scottish McDonalds.
My closest relatives are O’Briens and McMahans around Limerick Ireland. In Nova Scotia, my Gr Gr Grandfather George E McDonald was born July 1,1847. His Parents were Edward McDonald and Mary Ann Johnson. I have been unable to find any records of these people in Nova Scotia. George’s citizenship records and death records in in United States say he was from Brookfield, Colchester County, Nova Scotia. He came to Boston Massachusetts in September 1863. He was a Civil War veteran, married Emma Gary and settled in Lowell Massachusetts where he lived until his death in 1902. The possibilities: Edward McDonald or his father were Irish immigrants to Nova Scotia, George was adopted, or his mother Mary Ann had an affair with an Irish neighbor (it’s possible).
Who was Edward McDonald? What was his story? I would love to know.

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by EverettM Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2018-05-09 12:08:25

I am Irish. My closest genetic relatives are O’Briens and McMahons from Limerick Ireland. There is a branch of McDonalds that are related to O’Briens in Limerick and Claire. Probably my family.

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user leggw62 deactivated
by EverettM on 2018-05-10 21:49:50

Mr leggw62, Thankyou so much for your response. I think this Edward is in my notes somewhere but I had no idea he was Irish. Yes that makes him a real possibility. Would you share what database or website that information comes from? Again thank you very much!

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