James B Chapman lineage. Born in WV. Possibly 1891.
James B CHAPMAN and Nettie MYERS CHAPMAN got married when he was 19 and she was 14. I have three names for a wife for him.Genetta or Angemetta and Nettie. I wonder if Nettie is short for Genetta. Anyway looking at the census they have the same kids. The girls I have are Ora 1911 Grace 1912 Franis 1914 (not sure is male or female) Violet 1916 Gladis 1918 Stella 1921 Elisa 1924 Enna 1927 Betty 1929 and Ethel 1935. There was a Clarence too. in 1930 it said he was born 1928 and in 1920 is said he was born in 1909. It may be a miss print, or two different people. I thought that in 1930 Clarence may of been their grandson because their son William and his 16 year old wife lived with them. William was married for two years and Clarence was two years old. But it more that likely a miss print because on the census they list the kids in order of their age and this two year old was out or order.
Ethels, brothers William 1906-1968 Lewis F. 4-2-1922-8-18-1992
Elias 1925-1987 James Paul 4-25-19309-21-1977. Donald E. 10-19-1933-5-18-1987.Her Dad James may of died 3 years after she was born in 1938 The mother may have remarried I found a record someone wrote that said there were 15 kids five of those listed as step kids. I wrote that person, they didnt list any kids names.