Publican Licenses 1832 Tasmania
At the annual meeting for the purpose of
licensing public houses in the Buckinghamshire
division of the island, held at the Session's
house in Hobart town, on Tuesday last,
the Justices approved of new licenses being
issued on the 29th inst. to the following 57
persons, in addition to those formerly licensed,
In Hobart-town.
Henry Bye, Man of War, Argyle street—
Robert Ballantyne, Glasgow Wine and Spirit
Vaults, Elizabeth street-John Boaden, Tas-
manian Whaler, Campbell street-William
Beazley, Queen's Head, Goulburn street
James Chorley, Hope and Anchor, Macquarie
street-Reuben Chapman, St. George and the
Dragon, Elizabeth street-James Dickson,
Blue Bell, Murray street-Joseph Duval and
Luke Marten, Elephant and Castle, St. Pa-
trick street-Peter Dudgeon, Dudgeon's Cel-
lars, Elizabeth street-Napoleon Gilbert,
Beachcroft Arms, Liverpool street-John
Hook, Tasmanian Wine Vaults, Bathurst st.
-Thomas Johnson, Verandah Wine Vaults,
Elizabeth street -James Jeffrey, Cabinet-mak-
er's Arms, do.-James Lear, Albion, Welling-
ton bridge-Ann Morrisey, Dallas Arms,
New town road-Thomas Mason sen. Whale
Fishery, Elizabeth street-Alexander M'Leod,
Blue Bells of Scotland, Murray street-Pa-
trick M'Cabe, Labour-in-Vain, Campbell.
street-Charles Probin, Cock and Magpie,
Warwick street-Richard Ray, White Con-
duit-house, Liverpool street-James Roberts,
Golden Cross, do.-James Shaw, Talbot,
Hunter street-John Solomon, William the
Fourth, Liverpool street;-John Sweep, White
Lion, Campbell street-Judah Solomon, Al-
bemarle Head, Liverpool street.—James Wood
and Archibald Menzies, Commercial Wine and
Spirit Cellars, Wharf-William Wiggins,
Paul Pry, do.-Bernard Walford, King George;
Murray street.
In the Country.
Thomas Allwright, Plough, Hamilton & New
Norfolk road-Francis Bryant, Tasmanian
Hotel, Bagdad-Charles. Barker, Bush Ta-
vern, New Norfolk - James Bonney, Cove
Inn, Herdsman's Cove - William Briscoe,
Tasmanian Arms, Sorell - Peter Bodwen,
Adam and Eve. New town bridge - Henry
Bridger, Fairfield house, River Plenty road,
-Thomas Burrel, Plough & harrow, Bothwell
- Peter Buchanan, Union, Kangaroo point
-John Edward Cox, York & Albany Hotel,
Oatlands-George Craig, Man of Ross, Ross
bridge - John Collins, Horse and Groom,
Hamilton-John Fergusson, Traveller's rest,
Waterloo point-Thomas Field, Cape of Good
Hope, Black marsh - George Govett, Hester-
combe Inn, Glenarchy-William Guest, Can-
terbury Inn, Hollow-tree bottom, near Oat-
lands-William Hobbs, Barley mow, Hollow-
tree, Bothwell district-William Jarritt,
Bridge, Richmond-Edward Maum, Horse
& Groom, Clarence plains - Philip Mills, Fox
Inn, Black snake - Horatio William Mason,
Mason's Hotel, New Norfolk - Joseph
M'Ewan, Inverary Castle, Oatlands-Ewan
Mc Donald, Rocks, New Norfolk-Daniel
O'Connor, Kenmore arms, St. Peter's pass
George Page, Bath Inn, Lemon springs -
William Joseph Ring, Richmond Hill Wine
Vaults, New Norfolk-Jonathan Stevens,
Talbot, New Norfolk-Thomas Spicer, King
William the 4th, Marsh farm, New Norfolk
Licences were also granted for the steam
vessels 'Governor Arthur' and 'Surprise'.
The following is a list of those who have not
obtained a renewal of their licences:-Mrs.
Wilson, Thomas Kerr, William Tisdale, Li-
verpool street. Robert Frost, Mercer Lud
gater, Robert Makepeace, Elizabeth street,
Thomas Shadwick, Sandy bay, Charles Rob-
ins, O'Brien's bridge, John Davidson, Kan-
garoo point, Daniel Long, Sorell town,
Thomas Buckley, Hobart town.
on 2013-07-15 21:41:50
janilye - 7th generation, Convict stock. Born in New South Wales now living in Victoria, carrying, with pride 'The Birthstain'.