Bradley Jessop of Balclutha,
Name: Bradley Craig Jessop
Born: 19/09/2001, Balclutha
Siblings: Sarah Louise Jessop, Michael (Mike) James Jessop, Grace Elizabeth Jessop,
Carla Jane Jessop
Siblings DOB: Sarah 12/09/1998, Mike 23/10/1999, Grace 06/03/2003, Carla 06/03/2003
Parents: Craig Peter Jessop, Rachel Elizabeth Kelland
DOB of parents: Craig 25/10/1969, Rachel 04/04/1971
Birthplace of parents: (Craig) Nelson/Tasman, (Rachel) Rangiora
Grandparents: (Craig) Peter James Jessop and Jennifer May Russ,
(Rachel) Carlisle McCulley Kelland and Joan Chapman
on 2021-11-12 06:12:10
BradleyJessop has been a Family Tree Circles member since Nov 2021.
Hello Bradley and welcome to Family Tree Circles.
While we appreciate you telling us about your family, this is basically a genealogy site so not for showing living people (which could breach the NZ privacy act) and you may cause personal stress by publicising these personal details.
Instead could you please edit the above (at least remove birth dates) and tell us about their deceased ancestors. Tell their immigrant stories, when & how they arrived, where they settled, their children and their burials etc. Maybe request info if you need to. We can help build your family tree.